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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 182

Chapter 182 S2| Something Fishy
Jeremy swiped the tablet screen. "There were a lot of unexpected costs and some questionable expenses. Many people thought their boss was corrupt."

Frank furrowed his eyebrows. "Paul Harris is corrupt?"

"I've also traced their family expenses. Sorry, but your mother and sister are truly extraordinary."

"My half-sister." Frank pointed his index finger.

Jeremy nodded while displaying a table. "Look! This is their expenses in one month."

Frank checked the list. After only a few lines, he was already wide-eyed. "Why did they buy jewelries these much? They want to open a jewelry shop?"

"And also this."

Frank's eyes opened wider. "They want to open a clothing shop too?"

Jeremy smiled crookedly. "And shops for shoes, bags, watches, antiques, interior decorations, and much more. Apart from that, they never miss a holiday abroad every month."

"I suddenly feel sorry for my stepfather."

Jeremy nodded. "I am so grateful that Vivian is my mother."

Frank closed his eyes and sighed. He suddenly felt very tired. "It turns out this is just the beginning," he muttered hoarsely.

"You have to be careful, Frank. Moreover, I found this in your mother's last transaction."

Frank looked at Jeremy's tablet. Seeing what was displayed there, he was flabbergasted. "She had the heart to plan something as cruel as this?"

"Make your strategy wisely, Frank. Don't let your guard down or your family will be in danger."

Frank's eyebrows knit tightly together. "Yeah, I understand. Thank you, Jer."

While Jeremy put his tablet back away, Frank fell into contemplation. He had put the lion in the deer pen. He had to act immediately if he didn't want to regret it.


In the afternoon, the twins burst into the CEO’s room.

"Daddy! Daddy!"

Their arms were spread wide and their laughter boomed. Kara, who was walking behind them, smiled in amusement.

With a similar smile, Frank stood up from his chair. "Kids!" Before he could take a step, the toddlers were already hugging his legs. Their laughter became more and more tickling.

"Daddy, we had a sudden test earlier. Our scores were perfect again!"

"Our problems were different from the others. They’re more difficult, but we could still do it."

While chuckling, Frank stroked the twins' heads. "Good job, Kids. You are great. But you have to remember. There is something more important than scores, that you enjoy learning."

"Why does Daddy sound like Mommy?" Louis said while tilting his head.

Frank glanced at Kara with a faint smile. "Because Daddy spends the most time with Mommy. That's why we have to be careful in choosing our circle. The people around us can influence our mind and behavior."

Suddenly, Emily cupped her chubby cheeks with both hands. "What should I do? My circle is currently polluted. There is a pink-haired witch in my study."

Louis laughed mischievously. "Be careful, Emily. Don't be like her. I won't stand it."

"That's why you have to keep strong personalities," Kara said as she put the twins' bags on the table. "That way, you can color the world without being colored too."

"I want to color Barbara. I'll make her hair white so she looks more like a witch."

"That's not what Mommy meant, Louis," Emily pursed her lips. "We must be able to have a good influence on other people, without being influenced by their bad side!"

Louis' eyes immediately narrowed. "I know. I was just kidding."

Before the twins had a long argument, Frank cleared his throat. "Emily, there's something Daddy needs to discuss with you. It's important and confidential."

"Can't I hear it too?" Louis' eyes widened.

"Daddy will also talk to you, but after Emily. While you wait, Daddy has an important task for you. Can you observe your aunt's movements? Report immediately if there is anything suspicious."

Louis squeezed his fist with puffed cheeks. "That's easy, Daddy. The secret agent immediately springs into action."

"Wait, Louis. Will you help me? I ordered several kinds of beads. When the package arrives, please make sure their colors match the data. I have to return it immediately if what was sent doesn't match the order."


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