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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 184

S21 14. Secret Mission 

“Oh, no! This is Barbara’s package! She will definitely kill me if she finds out I opened her package.” Louis’ eyes were perfectly round as he checked the name written on the wrap. 

Philip raised an eyebrow. “This is Barbara’s package?” 

Louis nodded. Seeing his assistant’s serious expression, he frowned as well. “What’s wrong, Philip?” 

“Young Master, let’s report this to your father. This ball is suspicious.” 

Louis gasped. He remembered his mission. “Maybe that’s why Daddy sent me here!” 

Quick as lightning, he grabbed Philip’s hand. “Come on, Philip! We have to act quickly.” He didn’t care about the dress sweeping the floor. 

Arriving at the CEO’s room, Louis exclaimed, “Daddy, look what we found! I accidentally opened the package for Barbara. It contained a dress. When I stood up, there was a ball rolling. Philip said the ball was suspicious.” 

Philip put the ball on the table. Seeing the contents, Emily’s jaw 

dropped. “Is that what Daddy said earlier? The medicine I should look for in Auntie’s bag?” 

Frank fell silent for a moment. After opening the ball and pouring the pills into his hand, he snorted a smile. “Yes, this is what we’re looking for.” 

He looked at Louis and Philip alternately. “Thanks. You’re both great.” 

“What is that, Daddy?” Louis stood on his tiptoes, trying to see the pills. 

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“Those are drugs that can make Mommy fail to have a baby!” Emily said while shuddering in horror. A second later, she got out of the chair and hugged her brother. “Good job, Louis. I’m happy you found it.” 

After patting Emily’s back several times, Louis looked up. “Then what should we do now, Daddy? Destroy it?” 

“Where is Barbara now?” 

Louis shrugged. “She got angry earlier and left with her bag. Maybe she’s going home.” 

“She’s going home?” Emily stared wide eyed. “What about the samples?” 

“She said her work didn’t get done because of me. In fact, I only asked 

her to chat for a minute.” 

Emily’s lips pursed. “How irresponsible she is. Daddy, can I reprimand her?” 

Seeing the round face looking up at him, Frank’s expression turned sweet. “Go ahead, Princess. But don’t say anything about these pills.” 

The twins furrowed their brows together. “Why?” 

Frank smiled mysteriously. “Daddy has another mission for you.” 

While listening to their father’s whispers, the twins giggled. Their ears and hearts both tingled. 

“I really can’t wait for tonight!” Louis exclaimed, jumping slightly. 

“And I can’t wait to play a role,” Emily continued with the same. expression. The toddlers were sure that their father’s plan would go perfectly. 

As expected, Barbara returned to the office a few moments later. Her 

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the box in the corner of the sofa. 

“Auntie?” Emily’s voice snapped her out of it. Barbara didn’t notice the little girl before. She was enjoying lunch at her table. “Auntie, have you finished resting?” 

Barbara quickly controlled her expression. “I haven’t even rested. I came back because I left my package.” 

While Barbara approached the box, Emily got out of her chair. “I see 


our work isn’t finished yet. After lunch, can you please continue? Today I have to choose the best combination.” 

Barbara snorted. She put one hand on the waist. 

“I’ve made 69 samples and they’re all good. If you still don’t feel like it, make your own. I won’t let you guys play tricks on me anymore.” 

“But you are my assistant, Auntie. You have to help me.” Emily’s brows furrowed. 

Barbara laughed sarcastically. “I’ve tried my best. That means I’ve helped you. Now, I’m bored and want to go home. You can’t stop me.” 

Barbara turned towards the door. Emily quickly held her hand. “But you are an employee in this office! Auntie has to obey the rules. There are limits to rest hours.” 

“Limit?” The corners of Barbara’s lips twitched. “You and your brother only work half a day. If you can do it, so can I.” 

“But we don’t rest. We go to school, study to get smarter.” 

Barbara shook her head, sneering. “I don’t care. You’re not the or one who can get the special right to work half a day. Me too! I’m the younger sister of the CEO of this company. Now let go!” 


Barbara jerked her hand away, but Emily was reluctant to let go. 

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“No! You must be responsible for your own work. Don’t give it to others!” 

Barbara started to grimace. “I said let go!” 

She kept trying to escape, but Emily’s grip was tight. Feeling annoyed, she pushed the little girl backwards. 

“Ah…!” Emily lost her balance and sat on the floor. In an instant, her lips parted and her eyes filled with tears. 

“I told you not to stop me, but you didn’t listen. You deserve it!” 

Emily tried her best to hold back a sob. She didn’t want to appear weak. However, her heart was too chaotic. She could no longer contain her annoyance. 

“You are a bad auntie!” Her whining started to sound. 

Instead of regretting it, Barbara smiled triumphantly. “Look! You’re no different from other kids. Crybaby and troublesome! Who do you think you are to dare control my life?” 

Suddenly, the door opened. Seeing Emily sitting on the floor wiping her eyes, Philip widened his eyes. “Young Lady?” Quick as lighting, he helped Emily get up. Emily immediately hugged him. 

“Philip, Auntie is bad. She wants to go home. In fact, her worl finished yet. I told her not to but she just pushed me and scolded 

Philip looked at Barbara sarcastically. “Are you shameless? You the heart to bully your own niece?” 

Barbara sighed in disgust. “You’re wrong. She’s the one who bullie me. I was just defending myself.” 

“Bullying how? Young Lady was kind enough to give you the 

opportunity to be her assistant. She even guided and reminded you not to shirk your responsibilities. But you’re being rude to her?” 


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