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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 193

S21 23. Susan’s Birthday 

Frank massaged his temple. When he straightened his head again, he muttered, “Just buy it. Send me the price details. I’ll transfer it straight to your account.” 

Melanie’s eyes suddenly lit up. “Are you serious?” 

“Yeah,” Frank nodded lazily. “Now get some rest, Mom. It’s getting late.” 

“Besides,” Melanie interrupted when Frank was about to close the 

door, “I also found this crystal night lamp in the same shop. I haven’t been able to sleep well lately. Maybe this lamp can improve my sleep 


Frank sighed. “Just buy it, Mom. Send me the price details. I’ll transfer it straight away,” he repeated with more emphasis. 

“Can I buy two? Your sister also needs quality rest. What’s more, she has just recovered from illness.” 

Frank took a deep breath. “Just buy it.” 

“And this….” 

Frank raised one hand. His eyes were firm. “That’s enough for tonight, Mom. If there’s anything else you want to buy, we’ll talk about it 


“But this….. 

“If the items are destined to reach your hands, there’s no need to rush. I also often look for-limited edition items, but never at the expense of my rest time.” 

Melanie shifted her jaw slightly. Her mouth, which was still open, 

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looked slanted. However, before she had time to speak, Frank closed the door. She could only snort and curse vaguely. 

“You insolent son. You should allow me to buy everything, not restrict me like this.” 

After a quick sigh, Melanie picked up her phone again. Seeing the dwindling stock, she scowled. Quickly, she walked to her room, sent the price details, and then made the order. 

“What’s wrong, Frank?” Kara whispered as she approached him on the edge of the bed. 

Frank showed the message he had just received. “Mommy asked for money for shopping.” 

“At this hour?” Kara’s eyebrows arched high. “Wow, she must really 

want that item.” 

“Those items,” Frank corrected with an annoyed look. “My mother 

wants a lot.” 

Kara laughed thinly. While massaging her husband’s shoulders, she peeked out. Seeing the amount Frank had entered in the transfer application, her brows furrowed. 

“Why don’t you send more?” she sighed in surprise. 

e very wa 

“Mom and Barbara Kara. We can’t spoil them or 

they’ll get used to it. I don’t want Savior to end up like my stepfather’s 


Kara blinked, studying Frank’s face. There was no exaggeration in that perfect sculpture. 

“They’re that wasteful?” 

Frank put the phone on the table, nodding. Then, he turned to look straight at Kara. His hand reached for his wife’s slender fingers. 

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“If they ask you for money, don’t give it. Understand?” 

Kara’s lips pursed. “What if they call me stingy?” 

“That’s not stingy, but careful.” 

“What if they call me an ungrateful and insolent daughter-in-law?” One of Kara’s eyebrows rose slightly. 


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