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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 195

S21 25. The Expensive Gifts 

“Grandma often complains of back pain if she sits for too long. So, I bought this specially designed item! Grandma won’t have back pain. anymore!” Arriving in front of Susan, Louis wiped his sweat. “Come on, Grandma. Open it!” 

Susan opened the package enthusiastically. As soon as she found a sturdy rocking chair, she let out a sigh of emotion. 

“This is a very beautiful chair, Louis.” 

“And it’s comfortable too. You can sit here every time you read a book 

or knits,” Louis smiled broadly. 

After stroking his round face, Susan bent down and gave him a kiss. Thank you, My Grandson.” 

“You’re welcome, Grandma.” 

Kara smiled at the sight. However, realizing Melanie’s cynical glance, the curve of her lips shrunk. 

“Frank, do you want to give your gift first?” Kara asked softly. 

“You go first. I want to be last. That’s usually more impressive.” 

Melanie’s expression grew sour. Her lips twitched. Most likely, sh was cursing in her heart. 

Meanwhile, Kara approached Susan. “My gift may not be as special as the others. But I’m sure you will like it.” 

Philip delivered a box to Kara. Then, with a sincere smile, Kara gave it to Susan. “Happy birthday, Mom.” 

“Thank you, My Daughter. You guys are really nice. You’ve been busy but stil 

had time to prepare a gift for me.” 

+25 BONUS 

“But we’re happy, Grandma.” Emily tilted her head. “Now, how about you open the gift from Mommy? I wonder what’s inside.” 

Susan nodded briefly. As soon as she found the first edition of the novel she had been looking for, Susan gasped. 

“Oh my! Where did you get this?” 

Kara smiled with satisfaction. “It’s a secret. But the important thing is you can hold the book you want most.” 

While Susan hugged Kara, Louis pursed his lips. “Oh, I think I know who will win. Grandma really likes Mommy’s gift.” 

Frank smiled faintly. “I don’t think so. Your grandmother hasn’t opened my gift yet.” Still with the same expression, he moved over to 


“Happy birthday, Mom.” Frank rubbed his mother-in-law’s shoulder. 

Susan hugged Frank and patted him on the back. “Thank you, my son- in-law.” 

Barbara secretly glanced at her mother. Melanie just rolled her eyes. Obviously, she was jealous. 

“Tsk, this party is boring,” Barbara grumbled incoherently, taking out her phone under the table. 

Meanwhile, Frank pursed his lips. He suddenly felt awkward. It was like he was going to propose to Kara for the second time. “I also prepared a gift, but please don’t look at the price, Mom.” 

Susan patted Frank’s cheek as if he were a child. “Your presence 

among us is enough for me. You don’t need to bother preparing gifts 


“But I also want to show how important you are to me.” 

+25 BONUS 

Frank motioned for Philip to bring his gift. A black jewelry box immediately caught Melanie and Barbara’s attention. 

“You have brought the most precious gem into the world, Mom.” Frank glanced at Kara, making his wife smiled faintly. “And she has given me two other priceless gems.” 

While the twins chuckled, Frank brought his gaze back to Susan. 

“They were able to come into my life because of you. Therefore,” Frank brought the box closer to Susan, “I want to give the best jewel to you as well. Yes, this is not comparable to Kara, but at least this can represent my gratitude.” 

Melanie held her breath. She wouldn’t accept it if the contents of the box were jewels. Frank had never given her such an expensive stone. 

When the box was opened, Susan immediately gasped. A green gem with a turtle-shaped frame had captured her heart. 

“This is too beautiful, Frank,” Susan sighed, shaking her head briefly, implying that she was not worthy of receiving such a valuable gift. 

Frank widened his smile. “There is no jewel too beautiful for the woman who gave birth to my wife.” 

The others subconsciously extended their necks. They were curio about what the pendant necklace looked like. When Frank lifted it put it on Susan, everyone was amazed. 

“Is that emerald?” Vivian squinted. 

“No, Mrs. Bell,” Emily said in her excited little voice. “I think it’s a green diamond, one of the rarest gems in the world!” 

Frank laughed at her guess. “Emily is right. I deliberately looked for rare gems because I wasn’t sure I could find a family like you in other parts of the world. You are special and rare.” 

+25 BONUS 

“Then why did Daddy choose that shape? Is it so that Grandma will live as long as a turtle?” Louis asked excitedly. 

At that moment, Frank finished putting the necklace on Susan. He moved to face Susan, checking her appearance with the dazzling gem. 

“Perfect,” he sighed before glancing at his son. “You’re right, Buddy. I hope that your grandmother will live a long life. Wouldn’t it be nice if she could attend your wedding and play with her great-grandchildren?” 

Kara sighed in disbelief. “Frank….” 

Even the twins showed strange expressions. 

“Louis and I are still too young to think about marriage, Daddy. We don’t even have a girlfriend and boyfriend yet.” 

“Yes, we want to become successful entrepreneurs first, as we promised Grandpa Rowan!” 

Frank chuckled mischievously. “Yes, that’s still a long time away. Let’s discuss it in a few years. Now, what’s coming is the 

announcement from your grandmother. Mom, which gift is the most impressive?” 

Susan stared wide eyed. “What kind of question is that? Of cou your gifts are impressive.” 

“But I have prepared a prize for the person who wins your heart. Choose one, Mom.” 

Suddenly, Susan patted her son-in-law’s arm. “That’s so childish, Frank. Why choose the best? This isn’t a competition.” 

Kara quietly bit her lips. She already knew her mother’s reaction would be like that. “Okay, since my mother refuses to choose, let’s determine the winner by drawing lots.” 

The twins’ eyes immediately lit up. They rubbed their hands together, 

+25 BONUS 


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