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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 2

  1. Live for the Twins

Four and a half years later, Kara still couldn’t get out of the misery. The only reason that kept her going was her family-her mother who never left her, and two little angels she couldn’t give up before.

“Louis, Emily! Your mommy is home!”

Hearing her grandmother’s call, the eyes of a little girl sparkled. The gray glow outshined the brightest stars. She removed the book from her lap and slumped from the bed. Laughing, she had a quick battle with her brother.

“Mommy’s home! Mommy’s home!”

Right after Kara put the plastic groceries down on the table, the twins lunged at each of her leg. Seeing those cheerful cuties, her weariness vanished. She smiled and stroked the toddlers gently.

“Why are you running so fast? It will hurt if you fall.”

Showing his tiny teeth, Louis shook his head firmly. “I can’t fall, Mommy. My legs are strong.”

“My legs too,” Emily said as she flipped her long, thick, wavy hair. She looked exactly like a little Kara. Only their eyes’ colors were different, and Kara’s hair had just been cut to shoulder length.

As for Louis… he was a hundred percent replica of that gray-eyed devil. Even so, Kara loved them just as much.

“What did you buy, Mommy?” Louis’ tiny finger pointed toward the plastic groceries. “Is that why you’re late?”

Kara’s joy suddenly faded. She had just been fired. Finnic’s grudge was still burning. He didn’t let Kara work, even as a sales promotion girl.


The manager who had to fire Kara felt sorry. He gave her severance pay from his own savings, and also some gifts.

“Storybooks? Mommy said we have to be frugal. But why did you buy this many, Mommy?”

“Look at this Rubik’s cube, Emily! This is the latest release. It must be expensive!”

Kara had to fake a smile. She felt sorry for the twins. Soon, they would turn four and go to kindergarten, but their mother just lost her job.

In her bedroom, Kara sighed as she looked at the numbers on her passbook. There wasn’t much left. The severance pay from the manager was enough to sustain life for one month. But, what about the next month?

‘Should I look for that gray-eyed devil and demand responsibility? His heart must have melted when he saw the Twins.’

A second later, Kara blinked and pushed the despair out of her mind.

‘No. That cruel man will not hesitate to kill me. Louis and Emily could. become orphans in an instant, or even … follow me to heaven.’

“What are you thinking about, Kara?”

Hearing Susan Martin’s voice, Kara spontaneously put her passbook. into the drawer.

“Mom, I just… calculated this month’s expenses and income. We’re safe,” she nodded, faking a smile. However, when she found a piece of paper in her mother’s hand, she failed to hide her anxiety.

“Don’t worry. This is not a bill,” Susan sat next to Kara. Her expression was somewhat nervous and tinged with pity. “It’s … Finnic’s wedding invitation.”



Kara’s face immediately darkened. That name never failed to rule her heart. Even after being put down countless times, Kara didn’t hold grudges. She was just disappointed and trying to understand him. She once tried to hate Finnic, but failed within seconds.

“He’s getting married?” Kara sighed subconsciously.

Before her mother answered, she let out a dry laugh. “That’s great. It means, he has managed to forget me. He won’t bother our lives. anymore, Mom.”

Susan smiled sadly. Stroking her daughter’s thin shoulder, she whispered, “Kara, you don’t have to be tough all the time. If you want to cry, cry.”


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