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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 210

S21 40. Comfort Barbara 

Paul started to growl. His head shook firmly. “You can’t separate me from Barbara. She’s my daughter!” 

“She is also my daughter, and the sister of the richest businessman in the world. You think she will choose you? You even had the intention of stealing her favorite diamond.” 


Melanie quickly raised her hand. “Enough. There’s no point in us arguing. It will only prove that we are no longer compatible. Now go!” 

Melanie glanced at the fence in the distance. 

“Take care of your company. If you can make it number one company, maybe I can consider coming back to you.” 

Paul’s fists began to shake. His shoulders shook violently. 

“You’ll regret throwing me away. You won’t be able to be happy, Greedy Woman. And Barbara won’t be able to stand following you.” 

Melanie shrugged her shoulders lightly. “We will see later.” 

After snorting, Paul got into the car. His determination was firm. He would take Barbara and ruin Melanie’s life after their divorce. 

As Paul left, Melanie picked up her phone and called someone. Her expression looked terrible. 

“Paul said he knows my secret. Find out where he keeps the evidence. 

Get rid of it!” 

Hearing no more sound, Barbara thought her mother would come in soon. She hurried away from the door. However, she realized that she would not have time to escape. The room was too large to run away. 

+25 BONUS 

As her head spun around looking for a place to hide, someone grabbed her wrist from behind. 

“Shh!” Philip put his index finger to his lips. “Follow me.” 

Having no other choice, Barbara followed Philip behind a pillar. When they arrived there, Melanie’s footsteps were heard. Barbara suddenly held her breath. She resigned herself when Philip turned her shoulders around the pillar, avoiding Melanie’s point of view. 

Only when the sound of tapping heels disappeared did Barbara continue to breathe. But her tears could no longer be stopped. 

“Are you okay?” 

Barbara looked up. Her nose flared and deflated to suppress the turmoil in her chest. “Did you hear everything?” 

Philip shook his head. “No, but I can guess. Your parents want to separate?” 

Suddenly, Barbara burst into tears. Her head bowed and her hands. clenched into fists. 

“You’re happy, hmm? You’re happy you can laugh at me? My family is destroyed. I’ve received punishment for my crimes.” 

Philip was pensive. After a moment of silence, he whispered, “It’s not your fault. None of this happened because of your crimes. You had no influence whatsoever on your parents’ relationship.” 

Barbara’s breath hitched. While biting her lip, she looked up. Finding Philip’s gaze so calm and sincere, her cry subsided. The man seemed to be able to feel the pain she was feeling. 

“You think you can comfort me? Your words are useless. My parents are still divorced. They care more about wealth than my happiness.” 

Philip shut his mouth, afraid that his voice would worsen the 


situation. The only thing he could do next was hold out a 


Barbara glanced at him for a moment. After grimacing, she walked towards her room. At that moment, Louis’ voice emerged from the hallway she was heading towards. 

“Auntie? Where are you? Our gift turned out to be a super delicious chocolate cake. Mommy said we could taste a little before dinner. Let’s try it together!” 

Barbara gasped. Her cries automatically disappeared and her steps stopped. When she turned around, Philip handed her his 

handkerchief. Like it or not, she dried her face with the soft cloth. 

“That’s Auntie!” Emily’s voice sounded cheerful. 

Without warning, the twins raced to get to Barbara. 

“Woohoo! I got her first!” Louis touched Barbara’s leg then raised hist hand, proud. 

“Yeah, yeah. You’re always faster. Congratulations!” Emily said with pursed lips. A second later, she smiled sweetly and looked up. “Why are you here, Auntie? No wonder you didn’t open the door. Oh? Why are your eyes red? Your nose too.” 

Barbara spontaneously looked away. Philip quickly interjected, “She got something in her eye. Maybe a small bug. She’s having trouble getting it out.” 

“Really? You naughty insect! Come here, Auntie. Let me help you.” Louis-waved his hand. 

Barbara glanced at Philip secretly. She didn’t expect the man to help. ” It’s okay. The bug has come out. It’s just that my eyes still sting.” 

“Well then,” Emily took Barbara’s fingers, “let’s go to my room. There are eye drops in the cabinet.” 


+25 BONUS 

“There’s one in my room too! Let’s just go to my room. It’s closer.” 

Getting the twins’ concern and sincerity, Barbara let out a bitter laugh. While Philip was stunned, the toddlers blinked at her. 

“Auntie, why are you laughing?” 

“Is there something funny?” 

Barbara shook her head faintly. “I also have eye drops. Let’s get it in my room. After that, let’s eat together.” 

She reached out her hand to Louis. The little boy happily grabbed it. 

“I wonder what bug hit Auntie. Doesn’t it have eyes?” Louis said as he 

walked beside Barbara. 

“Next time if Auntie wants to go out, just wear glasses. It’s safer. We often wear them,” Emily suggested, framing her eye with one hand. 


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