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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 214

S21 44. Without Barbara 

“Who are they, Philip? Are they bad people?” Emily pulled Louis to hide. 

behind the assistant. 

“Don’t be afraid, Emily. Remember! We’ve been practicing boxing. We can fight them!” Louis showed his fists. 

Instead of walking away, Barbara stayed where she was. As the 

people got closer, she greeted, “Dad….” Her eyes filled with tears. 

The man at the front stopped walking. While pursing his lips, he took a deep breath. 

“Why don’t you reply to my messages? Don’t you miss me?” 

Barbara hesitated for a moment. But then, she hugged her father. Sorry, Dad. I was too confused. I know you and Mom will separate. I’m not ready to choose one of you.” 

Paul stroked Barbara’s hair and kissed her temple. Then, cupping Barbara’s cheek, he sighed, “You don’t have to choose, Darling. You an adult. And you can take turns living with Mom and me.” 

Barbara gasped at that statement. “Do you come here to take me home?” 

Paul looked at Philip and the twins. After a few moments, he looked back at his daughter. “Do you mind?” 

Barbara glanced back. The twins were apparently watching her with. tense expressions. 

“Do you want to go, Auntie? You don’t want to live with us anymore?” Emily asked in a heart-wrenching voice. 

Barbara bit her lip. She looked back at Paul and whispered, “If I follow 

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you now, will the inheritance be cancelled?” 

Paul nodded. “Yes, but this is the only chance for us to be together. If your mother really loves us, she will definitely come back home. But if 


Paul glanced at the twins. “He will remain in his son’s palace.” 

Barbara lowered her head deeply. Her head was as heavy as her heart’s choices. 

“Auntie,” Emily’s voice came again. “If you want to go home with your father, just go.” 

“Yeah! You can visit us at any time. If you’re at our house, you won’t be free. You even had to play secret with Grandma, just for going to the beach.” 

Barbara’s breathing became heavier. Her lips curved downwards. ” Can you give me some time, Dad? Just two weeks.” 

Paul shook his head. “I’m afraid I won’t be able to pick you up later. Today is my last day in this city. I’ll have to focus on the company starting from tomorrow. You want to get money from me again, right? 

“I can go home alone,” Barbara sighed. 

“Are you sure you can?” Paul held his daughter’s arm. “With your mother’s character, are you sure you can lift your suitcase out?” 

Barbara lowered her gaze again. “I can go home without my suitcase,” she muttered. 

Paul let out a heavy breathe again. Not having the heart to see Barbara’s withered face, he let go of his grip. 

“Okay.” Paul nodded and stepped back. “It seems that you are more at home and happier living with them.” 

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Barbara’s chest became tighter. “Dad….” 

Paul tried to smile, but failed. “It’s okay. I’m fine. As long as you’re happy, I don’t mind. Just call me when you’re free, hmm? Visit me 

every chance you get. Sorry if I’m a failed father. See you again, Darling. 

After kissing Barbara’s forehead, Paul turned around. His back looked full of disappointment. 

Barbara’s tears started to fall. She couldn’t imagine her father surviving and fighting alone. 

“Dad, wait.” 

While Paul turned his head, Barbara approached the twins. Her expression was hard to describe. 

“Louis, Emily, thank you for our time together these past few days. I’m happy to have known you. But now, I have to go home. If you miss me, just make a video call. OK?” 

Barbara smiled, trying not to show sadness. However, her eyes cou 

not lie. 

Louis and Emily started sniffing. Their faces scrunched up. They thought they were ready to separate with their Aunt. But apparently the heart could not be denied. 

“Auntie….” Emily suddenly whined. Her hands reached out. 

Barbara sighed softly. Bending her knees, she hugged Emily. “Why are you crying? This seems strange.” 

“I think I will miss you very much. My office will be quiet. No one will argue with me anymore.” 

“Hey, calm down. We can still work together. Technology is advanced. 

Barbara tried to be strong. 

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Meanwhile, Louis approached with his lips sucked in. It was clear that he was having difficulty holding back tears. “Auntie, I’m sorry if I often irritate you. I hope you don’t forget me.” 

Barbara laughed bitterly. “No, I can’t possibly forget the toddler who gave me medicine full of germs.” 

“But I wasn’t the one who dropped it on purpose. Grandma patted them out of my hand.” 

Barbara chuckled. Then, biting her lip, she captured Louis and Emily’s 

round faces in her mind. 

“We’re just in different cities. It’s not difficult if we want to meet. It’s just a short train ride and we’ll be together again.” 

“Can you really take the train? You’ll end up getting lost.” 

Barbara pinched Louis’ cheek. “Of course I can. If you don’t believe me, I’ll prove it later. So, see you later, hmm?” 

Louis got closer to Barbara. “Take care of yourself, Auntie.” He patted 

Barbara on the back. 

“Yes, sure.” 

Then, Barbara glanced at Philip. The man’s expression was so flat, it was difficult to interpret. When Barbara stood up again, Philip just held out his hand. 

“Good luck with whatever you do.” 

Barbara took his hand with a wry smile. “Yes, thank you. Be patient with my mother, hmm?” 

Philip raised the corners of his lips thinly. “I’ll do my best.” 


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