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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 25

  1. Intimacy in a Limousine

“Are you afraid?” Frank teased while smiling faintly.

“Of course I am! Don’t you?”

If the bees were as cute as Louis and Emily, Kara wouldn’t feel threatened. However, the winged insects were equipped with stinger and there were millions of them.

Kara remembered the twins’ story about two types of bees, the

European Honey Bee and the Africanized Honey Bee. Louis and Emily agreed that they preferred European bees.

“African bees are bad, Mommy. They are more aggressive and attack simultaneously. Many people have died from being stung by them.

We don’t like killer bees like that.”

Louis’ voice rang in her head. Kara involuntarily shuddered in horror.

“What kind of bees is bred here, Sir?”

“Western Honey Bee.”

Kara’s eyebrows arched high. “Is it the same as European?”

Frank was wide eyed. “You know about bees?”

However, a second later, he controlled his expression. “Yes, they play an important role in the pollination of plants, especially almonds. But, our country still lacks of bee troops. So, instead of continuing to import, wouldn’t it be better if we developed it ourselves?”

Kara breathed a sigh of relief. If it was European Honey Bee, aren’t they harmless?

Just then, two bees suddenly approached and hit her neck.


“Aaargh!” Kara looked down and groaned in pain.

Frank stared wide-eyed at Kara. The girl had bent over and covered her neck with both hands.

“It looks like she was stung by a bee,” one of the guards sighed.

“You’d better wait inside, Sir. We will bring protective clothing for you.”

After nodding, Frank rushed to the car. However, seeing Kara stuck in the same position, he pulled the girl to come with him.

“Hey,” he called awkwardly, “are you okay?”

Kara didn’t raise her head. She kept hiding her wet face and shook her head weakly. “It’s painful….”

Frank’s breathing turned heavy when he heard Kara’s moan. Should he help her? However, he had never paid that much attention to any woman. Did Kara deserve to be his first?

“It hurts so much, Sir,” Kara groaned again. The tremor in her voice.

touched Frank’s heart.

“Where is it? Show me.”

Kara lowered her hands and struggled to lift her face. Frank could

then see two red dots on her neck.

“Lean back! I will remove the thorns for you.”

“The thorns are still there?”

Frank nodded and pulled out a sheet of tissue. “You’ll never get better if they’re still there.”

Kara’s eyes closed as Frank did the job. Her eyebrows furrowed in annoyance and her mouth let out several sighs. Her hands, which were tightly clenched, spontaneously grabbed the CEO’s suit as the thorn was removed.

“It’s a European bee, but why does its sting hurt so much?” Kara muttered softly.


“They sting in sensitive spots. It’s natural if you’re in pain,” Frank said subconsciously. He was too focused on removing another thorn.

Once again, Kara groaned. After that, her body immediately weakened as if the energy had been sucked out of her body.


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