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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 32

  1. It’s Mine


After searching fruitlessly, Kara finally asked Philip. Knowing that Frank confiscated the chocolate, she was stunned.

‘What’s really going on in his brain? Can’t he let me be happy?’

With furrowed brows, Kara approached Frank. As soon as she saw him enjoying the chocolate, her jaw dropped. “Sir, why are you eating that chocolate?”

Instead of answering, Frank shoved another chocolate ball into his mouth.


Frank frowned. One of his hands rose to rub his ear. “This is an office, not a zoo. Why did you shout like that?”

Kara raised her chin slightly. “That’s because you didn’t answer my question.”

“I give you time to introspect. Since I gave you leeway, you started to make trouble.”

Kara blinked in surprise. “What trouble? I didn’t do anything wrong.”

Frank snorted lightly. He got up from the chair and walked to Kara.

You broke all my rules. Still don’t want to admit it?”

As Kara furrowed her brows, Frank leaned forward to meet her gaze.

“Didn’t I ask you not to tie your hair? You like showing off my kiss

marks there, hmm?”

Kara’s body suddenly stiffened. Her eyes shook slightly. She thought the rule was expired, but apparently not?

“Besides,” Frank continued, “you dared to answer calls during work hours. You’ve already broken two rules.”

“But it’s from my mother. It’s important,” Kara argued with round, doll- like eyes.

Hearing that rebuttal, Frank raised an eyebrow. “Look, you also dare to reply to what I said. The list of your mistakes is long, Kara Martin. And you know what’s the most fatal? You forgot to keep your distance.”

Kara tilted her head and started to figure out which limit the man


“I don’t feel like I’m violating that point. So far, I’ve only been following the orders you gave me. Is it possible for me to wipe your hair or apply ointment from a meter away? Do you think I have sloth’s arms?”

“It’s not about that, but your distance to Ben.”

Kara shook her head slowly as her confusion deepened. “Is one meter still not enough?”

“Being in the same building is still too close, let alone one meter. You even teased him on purpose with that scary smile of yours.”

Kara pensively observed Frank’s expression. She didn’t believe her judgment.

“Sir, do you think I’m a secretary or something else? You’re acting like a man who’s jealous of his girlfriend. You can’t be interested in me, can you?”

Frank was stunned. His heart just exploded. Was he being too

obvious? “Of course not.”

“Then, please return my chocolate. If you want to punish me, just give me additional tasks. I will definitely work on it and I promise I will not

Frank snorted lightly. The more Kara wanted Ben’s gift, the bigger his annoyance was. “I can’t. I already ate it.”

Kara’s patience was getting thin. Ben gave the chocolate to Louis and Emily. She didn’t like it when others took away her children’s rights, even if it’s their own father.

“Just give me the rest!”

Kara went around the CEO’s desk then closed the box casually. However, before she could lift it, Frank grabbed the other side of the box.

“Put your hands away. This is already mine,” Frank emphasized with knitted eyebrows.

“No. This is mine. Mister Wilson gave it to me.” Kara tried to pull the box.

However, Frank kept pushing the box to stay on the table. Seeing its shape started to change, Kara grimaced. Emily wouldn’t like it if the beautiful package was damaged.


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