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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 34

  1. Unusual Attention

After Wela closed the door, Frank moved closer to Kara. One of his hand rose to stroke her pale cheek. His movements were so light as if he was afraid of increasing the pain there.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered softly. “If I knew this could happen, I would have let you eat Ben’s chocolate.”

Frank thought he would feel better after saying those words. But apparently not, the image of Kara stumbling into his arms recurred more and more often. Her groan pierced his heart.

After one quick breath, Frank rose from the edge of the bed. It would be better for him to continue working than to dwell on regrets.

When she woke up, Kara immediately frowned. Her head still felt heavy, but the world wasn’t spinning like before.

“Are you still dizzy?”

Kara looked to the side. Frank was standing with his hands stuffed in his pockets. He was dressed casually.

Instead of answering, Kara sat down. Knowing she was in the CEO’s bed, her brows furrowed.

“Don’t be surprised,” Frank interrupted before Kara could ask. “I just want to make up for my grandfather’s harsh treatment.”

Kara took a deep breath. Pursing her lips, she got out of bed.

However, because she got up too quickly, she lost her balance. A

second later, she landed in Frank’s arms.

“Are you still dizzy?” Frank asked worriedly.

“Like you care?”

Kara’s voice was so cold. Frank was stunned to hear that. He didn’t even dare to stop Kara from getting out of his grip.

Kara looked around for a moment. “I want to go home.” No thanks followed. Instead, she took her bag and phone on the table.

Before Kara could go any further, Frank grabbed her arm. “Wait. You can’t go yet. The doctor asked you to rest until you fully recover.”

“I’ve recovered.”

“You think I’m stupid? You clearly lost your balance earlier.”

Kara blinked. There was no change in her cold expression.

“Stop bothering me, Frank Harper. I don’t want any more accusations. Your cruel grandfather could come and see me here. I don’t want to die yet.”

Frank let out a quick sigh. He had risked his grandfather’s trust for Kara’s sake. Why did the girl act as if she was the only one who was wronged?

“You know that this isn’t entirely my fault, right? You were the one who dared to challenge my grandfather.”

“Then, should I let your bodyguard be fired because of your childish behavior?”

Frank’s annoyed laughter began to air. He had defended Kara, but the girl was mean to him? “You have amnesia, hmm? You were the one who snatched the box from me first. It’s only natural that I held it.”

Kara sighed in resignation. She was too tired to argue.

“Okay. I was in the wrong. Therefore, please allow me to leave now. I will submit my resignation letter later. You will no longer be bothered by me from tomorrow.”

Just as Kara was about to take a step, Frank grabbed her arm again. Kara glared at him. “Let me go.”

Kara jerked her arms away, but Frank turned her around and grabbed both of her shoulders.

Their gazes met. Frank seemed a bit nervous. His lips trembled as if he had difficulty gathering his voice. “Forgive me.”

Kara flinched. Her eyes trembled at the sincere face. She thought her hearing was affected by the slap. However, the sentence was heard again.

“Really… I’m sorry.”


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