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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 5

  1. Game Starts

Looking at Kara’s stiffness, the corners of Frank’s lips lifted slightly.” But, if you want to use this situation as an opportunity, that’s fine. Savior Group has a vision to save people’s futures. Maybe, three. months of working here, your mindset can change. Trust me. Your future will be bleak if your personality is still like this.”

Kara clenched her jaw. She began to have difficulty as her blood


‘You’re the one who makes my life bleak!”

Kara wanted to scream it. However, she still had to live. Now, the best way was to be patient.

“You don’t mind seeing my face for three months?”

Frank smiled slightly and raised an eyebrow. His response made Vivian massage her temples. She knew that the CEO was definitely planning something.

“Okay. I will be your secretary for the next three months,” Kara said firmly.

The girl understood that her work would not be easy. That Perve Demon couldn’t possibly let her be in peace. However, it would Kara if she didn’t have a solution to her difficulties.

‘Just wait, Frank Harper! Before three months, I will have left this company. You won’t like having a secretary like me.”

‘Just wait, Miss Shameless! The next three months will be

unforgettable moments in your life. You will beg for forgiveness from me, and admit that arrogance is not a tool to elevate your status.”



“Sir, why are you bringing up what happened four years ago? Didn’t you ask me to stop investigating it?”

Hearing that question, the man who had just sat in his chair turned still. The citrus aroma that registered in his nose came back to his mind, as did Kara’s familiar innocent face in his mind. However, he couldn’t possibly answer honestly. His honor and dignity could slump.

“Did you forget? Ben contacted me again. He seemed dissatisfied with me rejecting his request four years ago. It could be that he was secretly preparing a long-term plan regarding that incident. If that’s true, we’ve missed out. I shouldn’t have told you to stop the investigation just because the girl disappeared from civilization.”

Frank leaned back in his chair. His face looked annoyed. However, his heart was restless. He was afraid that his arrogance would turn into a deadly boomerang.

‘Why didn’t I anticipate it from the start? I shouldn’t just let her go. She could have come back with a child. Her presence could be an atomic bomb that destroys my reputation and company.”

“It would be good for you to stop suspecting Ben Wilson, Sir. The evidence I gathered wasn’t enough to draw a conclusion.”

Frank raised an eyebrow. Before Jeremy lectured him at length, raised his hand. He didn’t care if his confidant was two years old than him. Jeremy’s position was not higher than him.

“I hope you haven’t forgotten. I was suddenly in a mess after meeting him at that bar. If he wasn’t the one who put drugs in my drink, who would? With nine bodyguards plus you, the only person who had the chance to do that was Ben. Unless, you can confirm that a bartender did it.’

Understanding the implied order in that statement, Jeremy nodded. He had been Frank’s closest person for five years. He



“Okay, I will continue the investigation. Then, what about Kara Martin? Should I search for information about her?”

A small laugh escaped Frank’s mouth. His ears itched hearing that name. “We don’t need to waste time and energy on that lowly girl.”

“But you kept her here. Wouldn’t that actually disrupt your

performance? Or perhaps, you are attracted to her? You don’t usually keep employees who like to do trouble, Sir.”

The curve of Frank’s lips suddenly became inverted. Jeremy’s guess

had frozen his heart.

“Watch your mouth! Have you forgotten that I already have an almost perfect fiancee? I can’t possibly be interested in a geeky girl like that.”

Frank glanced at Kara with a disgusted expression. The girl behind the glass was busy reading a guidebook.

“But you never harbored feelings for Isabela, Sir. Your relationship is still in place. I don’t think it’s impossible if you are attracted to Kara Martin. She is beautiful, intelligent, and brave-very suitable to win your heart.”

“You don’t love your tongue anymore, hmm?” Frank said sarcastically. “Stop your nonsense. Now, quickly call that geeky girl here.”

‘The game should start soon.’

Jeremy secretly smiled. He had observed Frank Harper’s behavior when facing women. The CEO always kept his distance, even from Isabela.


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