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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 51

  1. Pinned on the Couch

“Most perfumes are grouped by scent, but we want to present something different. We plan to group them based on how a scent matches the customer’s profession. Now, I want to ask for your opinion, whether the perfume we present can be well received or not.”

Ben reached out to the waiter. The masked woman swiftly sprayed perfume onto a small piece of paper then handed it to Ben.

“Which group will like this perfume?” Ben gave it to Kara.

Kara took the paper and started sniffing. She had no idea that the woman was secretly smiling behind his mask.

“It’s hard to explain,” Kara frowned and blinked, “but I feel like it’s the smell in the classroom. Is this the teacher’s signature scent?”

The woman showed them the label on the bottle. Ben immediately smiled with satisfaction. “Correct. How about this?”

She handed him another paper.

“Wow….” Kara chuckled in amazement. “How can you guys make it this specific? You are truly a genius, Mister Wilson. It’s like a bank employee.”

Ben’s smile grew wider. “This is the result of years of research and surveys. Interested in continuing?”

Kara nodded enthusiastically. After sniffing the third paper, she sighed in disbelief. “This one makes me feel like I’m watching a barista in action in his cafe.”

Kara always liked something new and unique. No wonder her eyes sparkle. However, when she checked the fourth scent, her smile faded. She looked at the masked woman in confusion.


“Looks like you haven’t sprayed this one, Miss.”

The woman sprayed the paper again. However, after sniffing repeatedly, Kara’s expression was still the same.

“What is it?” Ben took the paper and sniffed it. “Why is there no aroma?

Suddenly, Kara felt dizzy. Her chest was tight and her body was hot. She looked down, trying to catch her breath. However, the strange sensation only got worse.

Noticing Kara’s unease, Ben touched her shoulder. “Kara, are you okay?”

Kara spontaneously moved her shoulders, pulling away from Ben’s touch. A feeling of horror had arisen in her heart. It’s like she was sucked into the past.

What Kara was experiencing was very similar to four and a half years. ago. Even though there was no sleepiness like before, the

premonition in her heart was exactly the same. There was something wrong with her.

“Mr. Wilson, I have to go now.”

However, Ben did not answer. The man also lowered his gaze. His hand was placed over his heart.

“This….” His gaze turned to the side. “What did you give us?”

The young woman slowly stepped back. After throwing the bottle of the odorless liquid against the wall, she ran out and locked the door.

Kara stared at the broken bottle with a blank look. She didn’t know. where the liquid had splashed, but she realized that she was being framed.

“They’re right,” Kara sighed, her eyes starting to fill with tears. Her

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“No, Kara. Please don’t misunderstand. I don’t know why it’s like this


After looking at Ben in horror, Kara walked towards the door.

Unfortunately, no matter how many times she pressed the doorknob,

the door remained closed.

“Quickly tell your men to open the door!”

“This isn’t my plan, Kara. I don’t mean to trap you. Now calm down. I’ll call for help. Okay?”


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