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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 55

  1. Look After the Twins

“Frank asked you to watch over me again?” Kara asked in an unhappy tone. However, seeing Jeremy’s swollen face, she widened her eyes. Oh my God! What happened to your face?”

“Get in, Miss Martin. We can talk about it on the way to your


Without thinking, Kara got into the car. “Who beat you? And oh my…. Where’s your car window?” she asked worriedly.

“Sean. He was the one who masterminded last night’s incident. He held me captive. Luckily, Young Master arrived on time. He also managed to save you, didn’t he?”

Kara’s lips pressed together. Her eyes filled with tears remembering the incident. “You called Frank to the bar?”

“When I saw Mr. Wilson pick you up, I immediately informed Young Master. I don’t want to take any risks. Luckily, my action was right. Only Young Master can defeat Sean.”

Kara’s eyebrows rose. “What do you mean? Frank versus Sea Where is the tenth bodyguard?”

Jeremy took a glance. “What did he say about the tenth body

“He said there was another bodyguard watching us secretly. He greatest one and only appears when he’s really needed,” Kara explained, confused.

Suddenly, Jeremy let out a smile. “That’s Frank Harper himself. He is the only apprentice of Sean, the one who can defeat that muscle


While Kara gaped wordlessly, Jeremy continued, “When he found out


opportunity to work with him.”

“Frank asked you to boast about him?” Kara narrowed her eyes

“No,” Jeremy answered swiftly. “I said it as it is. Young Master is that great. And considering his outburst last night, I think we shouldn’t

doubt my suspicion anymore, Miss Martin. He does love you.”

Hearing that statement, Kara’s expression turned frozen. She looked down and fell into contemplation again.

“Frank already knows my identity, Jeremy. Ben revealed it. I had no other choice. I forced him to obey Rowan’s wishes. Otherwise, I will disappear, whether it’s because of my own will or his grandfather


“Young Master will not let that happen, Miss. You shouldn’t have to


Kara shook her head firmly. “I promised that to Rowan for the safety

of the twins. I dare not break the deal.”

“Young Master doesn’t know about his children yet?”

Kara shook her head weakly. “I couldn’t possibly tell him.’”

“I’m sure he can accept them. He clearly loves you.”

“In fact,” Kara interrupted in a low voice, “I don’t want him to be

reckless in fighting for us. The feud between Frank and his grandfather should stop here.”

“But you can’t hide your children forever, Miss Martin.”

Suddenly, Kara looked at Jeremy with a pitiful look. “Can I count on you?”

Silence engulfed them for a moment.

“Please, Jeremy, help me keep my children a secret. Soon, Frank will definitely ask you to look into my past. Just tell him what he needs to know about the suffering, but leave the information about the twins out of your report.”

Jeremy took a deep breath. He was once again trapped in a dilemma that he really hated. “I dare not, Miss Martin. It’s too risky.”

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