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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 57

  1. Insults from Rowan

While Rowan’s expression dimmed, Kara’s expression brightened. She looked at the twins with pride. “The benchmark for happiness is not just wealth and position, Sir. Look at my children…”

Blinking softly, Kara widened her smile. “They wear cheap clothes, eat simple food, and need extra efforts to get what they want. They are not born with a silver spoon in their mouth, but their smiles and laughter always brighten the world. Their spirit is even brighter than the piles of gold in your warehouse.”

While wiping the spoon with the cloth provided, Kara added, “Did you see their appearance at the inauguration event yesterday? Their clothes may be the cheapest, but… aren’t they the shiniest? A hard life has shaped them like the most expensive diamonds.”

While Rowan grumbled to himself, Kara started tasting the dishes one by one. After being sure that none of them contained poison or shrimp, she nodded in relief.

“Thank you for this wonderful dish, Sir. I’m sure Louis and Emil re very grateful for your kindness.”

“Mommy, look at this!” Louis suddenly called out. He was ca two small cups, but his steps were very careful. Beside him, Emi brought a larger cup. Their smiles were equally wide.

Kara rushed to help her children put the ice cream on the table. “W did you buy the small cups?”

“We already have a lot of lunch, Mommy. Emily is afraid of getting fat. To be fair, I bought a small cup too,” Louis explained as he crawled up into his chair.

Meanwhile, Emily raised her hand to make it easier for Kara to carry

“Then what about this big cup?” Kara asked while put Emily on her


“That’s for the Kind Grandfather!” Louis and Emily exclaimed simultaneously.

“Since he already treated us this lunch, we should also treat him with. the ice cream,” Emily continued with sparkling eyes. She didn’t know

that Rowan was now looking at her with a frown.

“I don’t like ice cream,” the old man said wryly.

Louis widened his eyes as he heard that. “Why? Isn’t ice cream delicious and refreshing? It makes our mouths cold and our hearts. glad.”

“Maybe it’s because he is old, Louis. He’s eaten a lot of ice cream

throughout his life. So now, he’s bored.” A second later, Emily slid the large cup in front of Kara. “Because Mr. Kind refused, take this ice cream for you, Mommy. Consider this as a sign of our gratitude because Mommy has been the best Mommy in the world.”

“Emily, we paid for this ice cream with Mommy’s money. That’s treat,” Louis protested with pursed lips.

Emily narrowed her eyes. “I didn’t say we’re treating Mommy. we are giving this ice cream to Mommy because we love her.”

Not wanting her children to argue, Kara intervened. “Okay, thank y very much, Little Angels. Mommy is very happy to get this ice crean

While Kara kissed the twins’ cheek, Rowan snorted dismissively. He felt that Kara was deliberately exaggerating her closeness to the twins to gain sympathy from him.

“By the way,” Louis said, suddenly attracting attention. His gaze fell on Sean who was standing near Rowan’s chair. “Mr. Big Body, aren’t


Sean furrowed one eyebrow. He didn’t answer, but glanced at Rowan.

His cold attitude made Emily’s eyes widen and her throat tighten. She wondered why her twin brother dared to invite the scary man to eat


Meanwhile, Rowan cursed in his heart. He felt like he was being teased by the toddler. ‘Sean is my assistant. He isn’t on the same.

level to eat at the same table with me.”

Suddenly, Rowan cleared his throat. “Sean is fasting. He won’t eat

until this evening,” he answered curtly.

Louis nodded. After reading the prayer, he started eating with Emily and his mother. Rowan only ate a little salad. When they finished, there was still plenty of food left. They then decided to wrap it up.

“Thank you very much, Kind Grandfather. If we already have much


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