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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 60

  1. Kara and Isabela Argue

“It was still on this morning. But why it’s off now?” Kara muttered.

Isabela smiled crookedly. ‘You poor thing! Who would use an old phone with a thousand cracks like that?”

After wiggling an eyebrow, Isabela sauntered in. Her hips deliberately pushed Kara’s elbow so that the phone slipped from her grasp. As it hit the floor, Kara could only gape. Meanwhile, Isabela held back her laughter.

“You shouldn’t get in my way. I’m in a hurry. My Hubby misses the coffee I made.”

Kara didn’t budge looking at that shameless face. Only after her eyes

flashed did she let out a sigh of disbelief.

“Don’t you owe me an apology, Miss? You dropped my phone.”

Isabela shrugged her shoulders. “I didn’t mean to. Why are you accusing me? Besides, the phone was already broken. Why are you making a big deal out of it? It should be thrown in the trash. Buy a

new one.”

“Even though it’s broken, you don’t have the right to drop it,” Kara said firmly.

Hearing that high and bold tone, Isabela put her hands on her hips. Her brows furrowed in displeasure. “You’re against me because of that old thing? Is your life that sad? You don’t have enough money to buy a new one, hmm?”

Kara shook her head in disbelief. “You have no right to comment on other people’s lives, let alone control them.”

“I’m not controlling, but opening your eyes. You’re a secretary in a big




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Frank doesn’t pay you well if you keep using that old junk.”

Kara clenched her fists to hold back her anger. Isabela was right. The phone was indeed out of date. However, as long as it still worked,

Kara didn’t mind. Most importantly, she could collect photos of the twins and communicate with them.

“Or,” Isabela’s voice echoed again, “should I give you one of my phones? I have five. You can take the cheapest one. It’s probably worth ten months’ your salary.”

Kara sighed tiredly. There was no point in talking to Isabela. Shaking her head faintly, she bent down, about to take her phone.

Unexpectedly, Isabela kicked it! That fragile gadget rolled out the door. Kara was at a loss for words. She now understood why the CEO rejected the arranged marriage. Isabela had the heart of a devil!

“Miss Hall?” Kara scolded with teary red eyes.

“What? I didn’t mean to. I wanted to take the teapot. It’s not my fault if that trash got in my way.”


Kara grimaced in annoyance. Biting her lip, she went to get her phone. However, when she was about to stand up, a shiny black loafer stopped in front of her.

“What is this?” A man’s voice echoed.

Kara looked up. As soon as she noticed the frown on Frank’s forehead, she quickly stood up and looked down. She was confused about what to answer.

Meanwhile, Isabela was wide-eyed. She didn’t expect Frank to follow her into the pantry.

“Hubby, sorry to keep you waiting. I wanted to make coffee quickly, but your secretary got in the way.”

Kara was stunned to see Isabela’s charade. Before she could blink,

Frank snatched the phone from her grasp.

“What about this thing? Was it blocking you too until you kicked it

that hard?”

Isabela stuttered. “I-I didn’t mean to. Your secretary put it on the floor. She must have hoped I stepped on it so she could claim


Frank’s expression darkened. In a deep voice, he said, “Apologize to


“What?” Isabela’s eyes widened. Her hands were pressed to her chest. “I apologize? What for? I didn’t do anything wrong. She’s the one who should apologize to me. She framed me.”

“You’ve insulted her, added damage to her phone, and slandered her. Apologize now.” Frank’s voice deepened.

Isabela’s chest became tighter. She never wanted to apologize to

women who were “lower” than her. Therefore, she folded her arms in front of her chest and looked away. “I told you, it’s not my fault.”

“Okay, if you don’t want to. I’m really disappointed to have a wif no morals like you. You can’t even take responsibility for your


Isabela glanced at him with a tangled expression. Her feet hit the floor once. “I’m not guilty! The phone was damaged since the beginning and deserved to be thrown away,” she said curtly.


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