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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 67

  1. The Angry Kara

The next day, Kara didn’t smile or look friendly at all in the office. She’s like a female version of cold Frank Harper.

When she entered the CEO’s room, Frank even raised an eyebrow. He didn’t like the aura Kara was emitting.

‘Did she deliberately change her image to keep me away?’

After clearing his throat, Frank curled up his lips. “You got home safely yesterday?”

“Of course. Otherwise, how could I be standing here?”

Frank’s cheek twitched. He wasn’t used to dealing with Kara who was

super curt.

“What are you calling me for?” the girl asked in an unhappy tone.

Frank sighed in resignation. He could feel that the possibility of Kara being willing to move to a new apartment was now getting slimmer

“You know that property and construction is one of Savior’s businesses, right?”

Kara nodded.

“Then, can you be my guinea pig again?”

Kara’s eyebrows furrowed.

“I want you to live in Savior’s new apartment for one month. You can invite your family. After that, give your testimony.”

Kara’s face became wrinkled. She was late reading Jeremy’s

message last night. When she checked out the window, Frank’s car was gone. The man must have felt guilty for her humble abode.

“I don’t want to.”

Frank did his best to hide his disappointment. “Why? Is one month too long?”

“I’m not stupid, Sir.” Kara raised her chin. There was no doubt in her words. “I hope you don’t forget. Our relationship is strictly for business. It would be unreasonable for a boss to give an apartment to his secretary.”

“I didn’t give it to you.”

“If there’s nothing else you want to talk about, excuse me.”

Without giving the CEO a chance to speak, Kara stepped out. Frank could only stare at her back. The chocolate in the drawer had to be hidden longer.

“This is much harder than I imagined,” he muttered helplessly.

Meanwhile, Kara walked straight towards the toilet. She needed time to calm down. Being rude to people she cared about was not easy for


“Good job, Kara,” she said to her reflection in the mirror. “The really needs to be affirmed. He has to realize that Kara Martin is the right person for him.”

However, just as she was about to wash her hands, her gaze was fixed on the watch on her wrist.

“I must be crazy. Why did I choose this watch this morning?”

As she took off the smart watch, a message came in. ‘I think we have an agreement, but why is Isabel still reporting bad news to me?’

Kara snorted. “It’s not my fault that Frank doesn’t like her. That’s just

how she behaves.”.

Kara was too lazy to argue. Without replying to the message, she pocketed the watch and returned to her desk.

Without a smile, the day felt sour. The burden carried became

heavier. Kara felt many times more tired than usual. Moreover, the twins did not contact her during the break.

Kara realized that her mood was affecting Frank and the guards. However, she didn’t mind. That’s the goal.

The more Frank was bothered by her presence, the quicker he let go. Her life could return to “normal”.

“Miss Martin, Young Master calls you to his room,” Jeremy said as Kara prepared to go home.

Kara’s eyebrows furrowed in displeasure. “Thanks, Jeremy.”

However, instead of meeting the CEO, she took her bag and walked towards the elevator. Witnessing it, Frank’s eyes widened. Quick as lightning, he chased after her.

“Kara, wait.”

Unfortunately, the secretary kept walking. Frank had to hold her arm to stop her. He no longer cared if the guards witnessed their closeness or even knew how he felt. He had ignored his prestige for a long time.

“Kara, I called you. Why did you just leave?”


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