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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 81

  1. Jeremy’s Betrayal

“Your boss is me! Not Kara! Why are you even listening to her words? You secretly have feelings for her, hmm? You even dared to take her home without my knowledge!” Frank shouted, shaking every bone in his assistant’s body.

Jeremy’s face turned pale. He didn’t dare to fight back. Blinking, he restrained himself from doing anything other than shaking his head.

“No, Sir. I couldn’t possibly dare. I know you love her.”

“So what? Do you enjoy watching me be a bad father? Are you happy that your annoying boss finally failed?”

Jeremy looked at Frank in despair. He didn’t know what expression to show. “It’s not like that, Sir.”

“You know that I believe in you, right? I even shared my concerns and asked for your advice. But instead, you reply me in this despicable way? You have played a part in separating me from my children!”

Frank pushed the assistant with maximum strength. Jeremy immediately landed on his waist and elbows.

Watching that from a distance, Kara’s eyes widened. She had expected that Frank would definitely take out his anger on Jeremy. Therefore, when Philip told her where the CEO was going, she quickly followed. Who would have thought, her arrival would still be late?

“Oh, no. Jeremy?”

Without wasting any time, she ran as fast as she could. “Stop…!”

Frank ignored the call. He grabbed Jeremy by the collar and continued shouting at him, “I shouldn’t have believed you!”


“Stop it!” Kara pushed Frank’s shoulder so that Jeremy slipped out of his grip. “Are you crazy? You attacked your own assistant?”

Frank’s breath turned louder. His shoulders moved up and down rapidly. “Don’t interfere, Kara. This has nothing to do with you. This is our business.”

“You don’t need to blame Jeremy! He is innocent. I was the one who forced him to keep the twins a secret from you. Because of what? Because I know you will definitely misunderstand!”

The CEO’s brows furrowed deeper. His head shook briefly. “I didn’t misunderstand. Jeremy is not a loyal assistant. He has betrayed me.”

“Louis and Emily are not my children!”

Frank gasped. He looked into Kara’s eyes which didn’t have the slightest hint of doubt. “What do you mean?”

“Their father is an irresponsible man, while their mother is unable to support them. Because of that, Louis and Emily ended up in an orphanage. I adopted them.”

Frank snorted sarcastically. “You think I believe it? Emily is so much like you, while Louis is like the little version of me. Their eyes are al gray. And their ages-”

“But that’s the reality. I deliberately looked for the gray-eyed childre to take revenge on you. But, as time goes by, I love them more an more. I am not willing to sacrifice them for my ego.”

“You lie.” Frank shook his head. “You said that to keep me away from them, right?”

“No. That’s the reality. If you’re still forcing your will, just try doing a DNA test. I am one hundred percent sure the outcomes would have been different.”


Kara’s voice was so steady. It was not without reason that she dared

to challenge the CEO. She was sure that Rowan would be willing to falsify the results if the test was really carried out.

“So how? Should I bring some of their hair? Or a blood sample?”

Kara maintained her chin high. She didn’t want to be seen as weak. Just let her palms hold the shaking.

Meanwhile, Frank was lost in thought. His lips twitched slightly. He wanted to argue. However, seeing Jeremy shaking his head faintly behind Kara’s back, he thought better of it.

“They really aren’t your children?” His tone dropped drastically.

“My choices are never wrong, Frank Harper. I deliberately chose children who are similar to you. My plan is to use them as your abandoned children. They do look like your children, right? It’s a shame I have no intention of ruining your life.”

Kara spoke as if she really hated the CEO. The corners of her lips. even seemed disgusted talking about it.

“If you don’t want my evil intentions to continue, stay away from my children. Yes, they are my children now, but not yours.”

After delivering the ultimatum, Kara turned and walked away. She seemed no longer interested if Jeremy was killed. Her steps were steady and her face was firm. No one would believe if she had told a lie, apart from people who understood her character.

“Why is it so difficult to face her?” Frank looked up and sighed.

Hearing the CEO’s muttering, Jeremy sat down with his elbows on his knees. “That’s how I felt when Miss Martin urged me to keep the secret, Sir. I hope you can understand and give me relief.”


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