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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 92

  1. I’m Scared, Frank

While Kara pondered the cost of restitution, Frank walked to the window and grabbed the only thing that survived.

“All of these things can be replaced with new ones, but not you. That’s why,” Frank sat by Kara’s side and placed Yemon on her lap,” I’m grateful you’re safe.”

Kara looked at Frank with a flat expression. Her mind was too full. There was no appropriate expression to represent it.

“You’re right. The important thing is that I’m safe,” she sighed stiffly.

Curling up the corners of his lips, Frank stroked Kara’s hair. “So, how do you feel? You really aren’t hurt?”

The woman looked down as if she could see the pain. Remembering how she almost met death, her fingers trembled violently again.

“Hey,” Frank took her hand gently. “It’s okay, Kara. It has passed and I’m here. Nothing can hurt you anymore.”

However, Kara’s tears welled up. The fear that had previously been. ignored now filled her chest. When there was no more space left, sobs began to be heard.

“I’m scared, Frank. I’m scared I won’t see the twins again. I’m scared that they’ll cry and won’t stop. I’m scared….”

Frank pulled Kara into his arms, whispering, “It’s okay, Kara. It’s okay.”

He couldn’t say much. He just patted Kara’s back, and occasionally kissed her head.

For several minutes, Kara hid in the crook of Frank’s neck. Her eyes were closed, but her brows were still furrowed. When she got her




“Better?” Frank whispered as he stroked Kara’s eye bags.

The woman nodded slightly. “Thank you.”

Frank smiled faintly. “I think we should go to the hospital. You need to get checked up, and the kids will miss you. Besides, the police will be here soon to check out the crime scene.”

Kara repeated the movement of her head. Taking a deep breath, she stood up. However, before her feet had time to move, her body fell back into Frank’s arms.

“Kara?!” Frank’s voice was booming.

However, Kara completely surrendered to gravity and Yemon rolled away. Lifting Kara in his strong arms, Frank turned to the bodyguards.

“Bring the plush! We’re going to the hospital.”

The exclamation sounded faint to Kara. A few moments later, she could no longer hear any sound.


When she opened her eyes, Emily’s round face immediately greeted her. Kara thought it was a dream. However, as Emily’s sweet voice was heard, she realized that she had regained consciousness.

“Mommy’s awake!”

A second later, Frank’s shabby face appeared. “Kara?”

Kara moved her elbows, trying to get up. Frank quickly helped her.

“What happened?” she asked while glancing at the IV stuck in her


“Doctor said Mommy fainted from exhaustion and fear,” Emily explained while holding Yemon to her chin. “Are you still afraid,



“Mommy, there’s no need to be afraid!” the toddler boy sitting on the next bed exclaimed. “The villain has been caught. He won’t threaten us anymore.”

Frank smiled a little. “Louis is right. Besides, we are all here, with you. You have nothing to worry about anymore.”

Instead of nodding, Kara scanned the fairly large room. “Where’s Mom?”

“Grandma stays at Mr. Kind’s house. Tomorrow after Louis and Mommy are allowed to go home, we will also stay there!”

Kara spontaneously furrowed her eyebrows. Before she could protest, Frank whispered, “Your apartment is still under investigation and cannot be occupied. So, you should stay at my mansion.”


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