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His Hidden Child novel Chapter 37

Side Story 2:

It felt as though I was slowly suffocating through the jealousy that was seeping through me every time I saw Isabella and Sin together.

The happiness I could never have belonged to the one person I had mused feeling about.

With Abigail's words eating away at me it was as though something slowly grew in me quite unknowingly and by the time I'd realized, I had fallen too deep.

"Jayden!" I heard my name being called bringing me out of my thoughts.


"Why do you look so surprised?"

Ah, she must've been the reason the couple was in such disarray earlier when they'd bumped into each other.

"You've grown quite a lot, I almost didn't recognize you." I smiled as she walked closer to me. "You've returned quite early don't you think?"

"Well, how could I stay far away when Sin is here?" she questioned as she wiggled her eyebrows at me.

I couldn't help but sigh. It seemed she didn't learn of his mate, and she'd come back with hopes and expectations.

"Are you not aware?" I asked carefully

"Aware of what?" she asked as she furrowed her eyebrows.

For a moment I thought about whether to break the news to her right here and now, or just give it to her slowly, but either way, she was going to find out, even if it wasn't from me, we were within castle walls.

"What us it Jay? Did something happen while I was away?" she questioned concerned.

"Well, he's found his mate," I said as she seemed quite taken a back.


"Yes, he's mated to someone else."

By looking at her face for a moment it felt like her entire world was crashing down and she didn't know what to do.

"I know it's hard to accept, but it is what fate has decided," I said trying to console her.

"Who is it? Is she someone renowned? A woman of higher status than me or you? What role does she play in society?" she questioned hastily.

"The daughter of a baker is whose become the mate of you previous Sin," I said,

Not understanding why the words had left my mouth, but they did, and there was nothing more I wanted to do than to continue to spout things that would anger her rather than console her.

Chapter Thirty Six: Side Story Two (Jayden's Story) 1

Chapter Thirty Six: Side Story Two (Jayden's Story) 2


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