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His Promise: The Mafia’s Babies by C. Tamika novel Chapter 384

Chapter 384


I got what I wanted, didn’t I? Then why did I feel so guilty?

I stirred the pot as Angelo told me to, I wedged myself between Christian and Vince’s friendship, as Angelo had instructed. He agreed to sell the weapons, which was great-but I never wished to see him in pain.

The look in his eyes upon hearing about Christian’s words devastated me, and it took me back to reality.

Vince was a real person with feelings.

But regardless of his feelings, I did what was best for the family. So no matter how difficult it was, I tried pushing my guilt aside.

It was late at night when I returned the necklace to the empty warehouse, to the spot Vince had requested.

Once I arrived back home, it was already past midnight. I walked into the kitchen to clear my head, in the mood for a late-night snack. After all I had been through, I definitely deserved that.

“What has the privilege of going into my mouth,” I sang, opening the fridge. Just as I was about to reach for something, a voice startled me.

“Why are you home so late?”

I let out a yelp and turned around, noticing Vince sitting at the table with his hands flat on the surface. He had been waiting for me. I could tell. I could also tell that it wasn’t a good thing.

Would he have found out the truth about the necklace?

“What are you doing up so late?” I retorted, taking a seat at the table. “Aren’t you supposed to be asleep?”

“Aria, where were you?” I noticed the cold and doubtful look in his eyes. It was the same expression he had shown me when he scolded me about my behavior before our wedding.

“I-I was out… I needed some fresh air. I wasn’t doing anything special.”

Vince frowned, looking at me. “You were out?” He furrowed his brow as he spoke in a doubtful tone. “Aria, do you think I’m stupid because I’m a Garcia? Is that it?

“No, of course, you’re not stup-

“Do you think!” He slammed his hand on the table, raising his voice. “Do you think I haven’t been aware of what you’ve been doing all this time?”

“I haven’t been doing anything.”

“So you want to tell me that if I go back to the warehouse right now, I won’t see Siena’s necklace on that table?”

Lying would’ve only made it worse, so I shook my head in response, owning up to my actions. “I was only trying to prove a point. I wanted to show you that those people do not care about you. Not like I do.”

I closed my eyes, expecting him to yell at me-but he didn’t. “And you did. The point has been proven.”

A breath escaped my lips as I felt grateful we could at least agree on that.

“You were following Angelo’s instructions, weren’t you?”

I panicked. “Yes…no.”

“Yes or no?”

“I make my own decisions,” I told him, feeling the need to protect Angelo. “Everything I do, every decision I make-is for you. I know you don’t care about me, but I care about you, and that’s why I had to show you the truth.”

The confession was out of nowhere, and I didn’t even know why those words left my mouth, but hopefully, it was a reasonable explanation for why I had stolen the necklace.

I sat in anticipation, awaiting Vince’s next words, and I was ready to hear all of it. I was reckless, immature, stupid, evil and so on.

“I understand.” Vince surprised me with his answer.

Chapter 384 1


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