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Honey, I'll Make You a Star (Margaret and Charleston) novel Chapter 23

Chapter 23 Swimwear Advertisement Photoshoot

The next day, the light of dawn gently shone in.

Margaret got up early, washed herself up, and put on a set of white casual clothes. She examined her outfit in front of the mirror and after she was sure that everything was alright; she set off to her destination.

Emperor Clubhouse was a relaxation spot for the rich.

Various leisure activities with facilities such as swimming pools, golf courses, and billiards were available in the clubhouse.

The swimwear advertisement photoshoot would be held at the luxurious swimming pool of the Emperor Clubhouse.

There were crew members holding labels and signs at the main entrance, and Margaret went forward to verify her information.

After confirming Margaret's identity, she was led to the dressing room. The person in charge took out a swimsuit from the closet, gave it to her, and said, "Get yourself changed and wait outside."

A group of girls who had already changed into their swimsuits was standing by the swimming pool. They were all the models for the advertisement.

"Okay." Margaret nodded and took the swimsuit.

The swimsuit was a bikini, with a fair amount of fabric.

Margaret breathed a sigh of relief. If there was too little fabric, she didn't think she'd be able to put it on.

Margaret changed into the swimsuit and removed her hair tie. Her naturally curled long hair hung down her chest, covering most parts of her fair skin.

Even though Margaret understood that it was for the shooting, she was still not used to wearing something so revealing in front of many people.

On the other hand, the leading star finally had her makeup done for the advertisement after being surrounded by several makeup artists.

The advertisement director held a loudspeaker and announced the commencement of the shooting.

Like all the other girls, Margaret was a background model.


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