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Hybrid Aria by Jessica Hall novel Chapter 28

Aria’s POV

Reid grabbed my other ankle and flipped me over so I was belly down on the bed. I squirmed, trying to break his hold on my ankles. Reid growled at me warningly before gripping my hips and pulling them towards him. My feet were forced to the ground while the rest of my body was draped over the bed. Lifting myself up onto my elbows, he forced me back down. Pushing his hand between my shoulder blades to hold me in place.

Reid then pushed his groin into me. I could feel the bulge of his erection pressing against my ass. Stepping back a bit, he ran his other hand up my thigh. Stopping at my shorts, his fingertips moving along my panty line between my legs teasingly, sending delightful shivers to my core. Removing his hand from beneath my shorts, he started rubbing my arse, making me quiver everywhere he touched. I could feel my underwear becoming moist. I pushed into his hand, shaking my ass at him.

His palm came down, connecting with my ass cheek. I could feel his handprint burning into my flesh. It stung, but it also turned me on even more. Reid rubbed his hand over where he slapped. His hand then finding its way back into my shorts, using his fingers, he pushed my panties to the side before sliding his fingers between my wet lips. Reid bent over me; I could feel his breath on my neck below my ear.

“You liked that?” he growled, before shoving his finger inside me, making me moan out loud. Pulling his finger out slowly, he pushed another finger inside me. My body quivered at his touch, becoming more aroused. I want more.

Then his fingers were gone, his touch was gone. Rolling over, I looked up at him. Reid’s eyes were glazed over, telling me he was mind-linking someone. The look on his face was pure rage. His eyebrows furrowed together. His canines protruded. Hair was spreading across his arms. I watched as his nails turned into claws. His breathing got deeper and faster. He was fighting himself for control. A terrifying growl ripped through him, vibrating through his chest. I flinched and pulled away. His eyes darting to me. The glazed look left instantly. His eyes softened. Reid walked towards the door. Getting to my feet, I went to follow him.

Just as I was about to ask what was going on, he spun around. His eyes pinning me to the spot.

“You stay here, and don’t leave this room.”

“What’s going on Reid?”

“Nothing you need to know about. Just for once do as your bloody told.” He walked out the door, pulling it closed behind him. I heard the latch click over. He locked the door. Rolling my eyes at his abrupt change of mood. I don’t know why he expects the door to keep me in. Maybe a deterrent, but it isn’t Hybrid proof. Deciding to give him a head start at whatever was bothering him, I opened my mind feeling for Wendy through the link. I could feel her wolf. It was restless.

“Wendy, why has Reid locked me in the room? What is going on?”

Wendy didn’t answer straight away. I could tell she was trying to fight my Alpha command.

“Wendy, do not make me ask again.” I could feel every fibre of her being trying to shake off the command, but she wouldn’t be able to hold for much longer. Her wolf was whining, wanting her to give into me, and she did.

“Why are you making me go against him? I can’t tell you; he doesn’t want you involved.”

“Wendy, what is going on?” I emphasised every word. Saying them slowly, forcing my Alpha command on her. I heard her wolf whimper through the link, making me feel bad. I know it is painful for her trying to fight against my will.

“Alpha David and his Pack are at the border.” The words spilled out like word vomit. I could hear cars leaving. Moving fast.

“What’s happening then?”

“Alpha is going to warn him or…”

“Or what? Wendy-”

“Wipe them out. He sent all our warriors to the border.”

I gasped shocked. The Blood Moon Pack would annihilate the Black Moon Pack. They weren’t big enough or trained enough to go against the Blood Moon Pack. Why would David do this? It was suicide. I couldn’t let Reid’s Pack slaughter everyone. I may not be a part of that Pack anymore, but I still considered them to be family. As weird as it sounds, it is the only family we have known. And a lot of the Pack members are good people. I also couldn’t let Reid kill Alpha David; he is Lily’s father. But what can I do? I know Reid will lose it if I command everyone to stand down. He would never forgive me for taking his authority from him. I may be Luna, but this is rightfully his Pack.

Trying to think, I heard the door click unlocking. Lily walked in, tears running down her face. Wendy walked in behind her; her head was down. “Lily, what’s wrong?”


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