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Hybrid Aria by Jessica Hall novel Chapter 37

Aria’s POV

Zoe answered after three rings. Her voice questioning “Hello?” I felt relieved upon hearing her voice. I have no idea why I was worried. I had no doubt that she could handle herself, but that didn’t make me worry any less. I relayed the conversation between Zane and Reid, letting her know about the Hunters.

“And they are sure they were definitely Hunters?” Zoe asked concern laced her words.

“Positive, they also left a message demanding the Hybrid,” I told her. Zoe seemed to think for a minute.

“How do they even know you exist? Only a handful of us know, and I know Reid wouldn’t give you up or your Pack. The most intriguing question though, besides the obvious, is why specifically say they want the Hybrid, I wonder what they need you for?”

“I have no idea but, Reid won’t let me out of his sight, so I won’t be able to visit you until he says, I just wanted to let you know what was going on” I sigh frustrated.

“I still have some old contacts. I will see what I turn up, can I call you back on this number?”

“Yes, this is my number, call anytime,” I told her. We say our goodbyes and hang up the phone. I turn to see Zane is pretending to ignore me like I didn’t know he was eavesdropping on the conversation.

When two o’clock came. I got up from the couch and went to walk out the door, heading towards Reid’s office. As soon as the door opened though Reid was already standing on the other side of the door. His face was unreadable but I could tell he was waiting for me to say something.

“I promised Lily’s teacher I would come back early and meet the class, I also told David I would meet him at the school” Reid clenched his jaw but moved to the side to let me pass. Zane must have been called through their link because he was straight behind me following along with Reid. This is ridiculous, I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Coming to the elevator, I stepped inside, Reid’s hand reached down, grabbing my hand in his death grip, Zane hit the button to go back down to the foyer.

Nobody said a thing the entire way down, you could cut the tension with a knife. When the elevator dinged signally, we arrived on the ground floor, I went to step out when Reid pulled me back to his side, keeping a strong grip on my hand. Its fucking daylight for god’s sake, what does he expect is going to happen during the day?

“Don’t test me, Ari, it won’t end well for you.” I gave up and relaxed my hand, Reid’s grip loosened as we walked to the car that waited out front. Zane jumped in the passenger side, while Reid tugged me into the back. Mitch sat in the driver seat.

“Alpha,” He nodded to Reid in the mirror.

“The school, Mitch.” His words sounded bored. I sat back in my seat. Choosing to ignore Reid the entire time, I chatted with Mitch. When I slid to the middle seat and lent forward, I felt Reid’s hand pull me closer, so our sides were touching. His arm pulled me back against the seat so I couldn’t lean forward. He draped his arm across my shoulders. Jealousy raging through the bond, at me deliberately ignoring him and talking animatedly with Zane and Mitch. I looked over at him, his eyes racked over my face his expression was annoyed, but I could feel desire and an overwhelming need to touch him and reassure him flood through the bond. Giving up, I decided to not poke the angry wolf and leant into him, placing my head on his shoulder.

Reid's shoulders relaxed, and his fingers brushed my hair out of my face before gripping my chin. He tilted my head up so I could meet his eyes. His eyes softened, and he pressed his forehead to mine. I could feel his fear of losing me wash over me. I swallowed feeling suddenly guilty about earlier, remembering him telling me about his father going mad after the loss of his mate. I could never do that to Reid, I won’t make him suffer because of my stubbornness. So silently I agreed I wouldn’t put myself in danger and I would remain within arm’s reach of Reid. Reid sensing my change or maybe he was reading my mind, kissed my forehead before pulling me tighter against him, I draped one arm lazily over his chest. Reid's other hand reached up and entwined his fingers in my hair.


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