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Hybrid Aria by Jessica Hall novel Chapter 40

Moving past Ryder, I felt my arm brush against his, I went to walk inside, Ryder was directly behind me, his glare burning into my back. I walked inside and made my way to Lily’s bedroom. Ryder smacking into my back at my sudden stopping. I gripped the handle and twisted, opening the door, I popped my head in and could see her laying in her bed fast asleep, her unicorn plushie tucked tightly under her arm as she cuddled into it. Closing the door gently, I headed up the stairs towards our bedroom. Behind me, I could feel Reid’s entire body shaking violently. His anger so much he couldn’t see that I was breaking, about to come apart at the seams. When the door opened, I felt his sudden shift. Shifting in such close quarters had me thrown through the door, making me land on the floor on my stomach. I have never seen them angry enough to see them shift out of anger so quickly.

Ryder's front paws were suddenly on both sides of my head, I could feel his hot breath on my neck and in my hair. I watched goosebumps rise all over my exposed arms. Yet I couldn’t bring myself to feel fear. I felt nothing, rolling onto my back, I came face to face with Ryder’s true form, and when he was angry like this, he really was a thing of nightmares, his teeth gleamed in the light sharp and fierce. The sort of teeth that could snap bones like they were toothpicks, his claws dug painfully into my shoulder when he raised his paw, bringing it down on my shoulder. I squirmed under his grip, but his anger was unrelenting. Blood started to trickle down into the crook of my neck pooling slowly. Ryder brought his nose down before licking at the blood that had pooled. I just watched without saying anything. When I tried to get up, though, I was shoved back down.

“Please Ryder, I don’t want to fight with you right now.” My voice breaking. I was done, so god damn done. I give up, I know he can’t kill me but, in this moment, when my world just took a massive blow and was spinning out of control, I didn’t really care if he did kill me. I not only have put two Packs in danger because of my existence, I put Lily at risk. I also find out Zoe and Marcus, or should I call him Dad, have been lying to me for years. My life was just thrown a curveball, and I didn’t know how to react, how to deal with everything. Everything was falling apart, Hunters were after me, Ryder was out for blood. And I was falling apart. I didn’t have the energy or willpower to argue right now.

“I fucking warned you Aria, and you disobeyed me anyway.” Ryder’s anger bubbling into his words as they boomed in my head. I flinched at the venom in them. Rolling to my side, I went to get up but only managed to scoot closer to the bed, propping my back against the leg I was able to sit up. Ryder watched me, his eyes burning with anger threatening to set me on fire. Tears brimmed in my eyes; I could feel them burn, as I tried to focus my vision back on Ryder but could only see my tears bubbling up before spilling over onto my cheeks. I squeezed them shut tightly and breathed out my mouth, trying to stop the feeling I was starting to feel flood me and drown me entirely.

“Just do it.” My voice came out firm but soft. I really could use the sleep right now, he just needed to get it over with. I would do anything right now to be taken out of my own mind, sleep suddenly looked promising. I could feel Ryder’s breath on my neck, and I squeezed my eyes tighter waiting for the pain of his savage bite, only it didn’t come. I waited for it, braced myself for it, but no pain came. Instead I felt hands rub along my shoulders and up my neck. Opening my eyes, Reid was staring back at me completely naked, kneeling next to me. I threw my arms around him, making him stumble backwards, his arms wrapped firmly around me, holding me tight while I just cried into his chest. I felt his hand move into my hair, and he kissed my forehead.

“What happened, my love? I’ve got you now.” His voice was soothing, and I squeezed tighter.

Reid felt warm against my cold skin, making me shiver, I inhaled deeply, taking comfort in his familiar intoxicating scent. I always felt safe with him, Reid was my safe place, so is Ryder. I loved them both, but right now, all I wanted is Reid. Reid’s hands moved up and down my arms slowly, I could tell he was waiting for me to tell him what’s wrong. I just didn’t want to think about it right now, let alone tell anyone. Sitting up, I got an overwhelming sense of vertigo, maybe it was from laying down so long and my sudden movement to get up, but the entire room felt like it shifted as I stood up and I found myself staggering to the bed. Reid watched my clumsy movement’s as I tried to get into bed.

“Have you taken something or been drinking?” he asked. He must be able to feel what I felt when I stood up.

“No, David gave me a drink, but that was it” Reid’s growl tore through the room, as his hands clenched at hearing me mention Alpha David’s name. His whole body began to tremble, Reid pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes, I could feel through the bond he was trying to calm himself and Ryder down. Moving to the edge of the bed, I tried to stand, but the same sensation rolled over me, I gripped onto the nightstand, next to the bed to balance myself. When suddenly, a new sensation took over a violent need to throw up. I took off for the bathroom, kicking the door shut behind me. I barely made it to the toilet before I threw up the entire contents of my stomach. Reid burst through the door, just as I flushed. I stood up feeling a little better. Walking over, I rinsed my mouth and grabbed my toothbrush. Reid turned the shower on and hopped in.


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