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Hybrid Aria by Jessica Hall novel Chapter 42

Aria’s POV

Rolling to my side. “I need to find out if he really is my father,” I said as I was getting up. Reid rolled to face me.

“Fine but I am coming with you.” I looked over my shoulder at him and nodded. He jumped out of bed and started chucking a pair of jeans on. I grabbed my jeans and a bra before finding a white singlet. When I couldn’t find a jumper, I grabbed one of Reid’s flannelette shirts and rolled the sleeves to my elbows, I could smell the lingering scent of his aftershave on it. Once I was done, I grabbed my runners and followed after Reid, who was waiting by the door for me in his usual jeans and black shirt combo.

Reid grabbed his keys off the hallway table and walked out to his car, I hopped in the passenger seat. I thought it was strange Zane wasn’t coming. He usually follows Reid everywhere like a shadow.

“You scared them, Ari, I told him he could wait here.” I looked out the window feeling guilty. I was turning into a monster, I just hoped Marcus had some idea why.

“We’ll figure it out,” Reid told me, grabbing my hand before starting the car. We drove to the diner, when the car slowed, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go in anymore. I suddenly felt different about wanting to meet my father if that is indeed who he is. Reid pulled over to the curb and got out. I followed suit and got out before walking past him and into the diner. When I entered the bell sounded signalling our entrance. Zoe walked out to see who had stepped in, her face breaking into a smile upon seeing me. She walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me.

After a few seconds, I wrapped mine around her, she pulled me at arms lengths and looked behind me to Reid than the door.

“Lily didn’t come?” she asked. I could tell she really hoped I had Lily with me.

“No, we had an incident, Aria is best away from her now,” Reid answered. Zoe looked at me, but I just shook my head.

“She is fine, Zoe; I need to speak to my father.” Zoe glanced between Reid and I.

“Aria, your father is dead.” she answered.

“No, Alpha David said he saw him, recognised him. Where is Marcus?” Zoe glanced to the back where the kitchens are. I walked past her, just as Marcus stepped out. Only it wasn’t Marcus, it was my father. How I hadn’t recognised him after Zoe showed me a photo of him had me baffled, but it was definitely him in the flesh. Recognition shone in his eyes; he knew I knew.

“I can explain Ari,” he said, looking between Zoe and I. Zoe didn’t look shocked to see him. Therefore, she knew all along who he was and helped keep it a secret. Zoe moved past him.

“Shall I put the kettle on?” It wasn’t really a question, more a statement as she darted behind the counter. I moved off to a booth and sat down.

Reid sitting beside me, my father sat across from me. His hair was the same colour as mine, even the eye colour, I could make out through his contacts were flaming orange and yellow. His skin was tanned, he was wider than before he was bulkier and no longer looked like a gay hippy man, even his clothes were different, no tie-dyed shirt just a remarkably simple white shirt and black slacks.

“Does he look any different to you?” I asked Reid.

“No, is he supposed to?” he asked. My father glanced between the pair of us, before putting his hand out to Reid. “I’m Abel, nice to see you have calmed some, Reid” Reid shook his hand. Abel, that was my father’s name? I thought it would sound older than it is. I stared at the man, not sure what I felt besides confusion. “It’s called a glamour; you should be able to do it.” He spoke to me. His voice was different deeper, and he had a weird accent I couldn’t place. It sounded old and not of this world.

“I know what it is ,Reid explained it to me. What I don’t understand is why?”


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