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Hybrid Aria by Jessica Hall novel Chapter 44

Aria’s POV

I was expecting this. This was the exact reason I didn’t want to say anything in front of Reid. The fire in his eyes showed his fury. Although I knew he wouldn’t hurt me, I still feared what he would do next. He was pacing back and forth, I could tell he was trying not to let Ryder out, who I could tell was just below the surface waiting to pounce on me.

When he stopped, I froze holding my breath, waiting for him to speak. Only he didn’t. He walked over and grabbed my hand, ripping me to my feet with so much force, I was thrown into him. I smacked into his chest. He stormed out of the room, pulling me with him. I tried to pull my hand from his iron grip, he stopped in the hallway out front of the infirmary.

“Don’t,” he warned as I tried yet again to free my hand. One word but the malice in it made me freeze. Pulling me towards the stairs, Wendy and Zane stepped out of the rec room to see what the commotion was that had Reid so angry.

“Everything okay, Boss?” Zane asked, glancing at me before stepping out of the way, as Reid pushed past him. I watched as he pressed on the wall next to the stairs. The wall opened up to a concrete stairwell leading underneath the house. I pulled my arm back, trying to yank it free. Wendy and Zane glanced between each other, trying to figure out what was going on. I looked around panicking trying to find an escape, but there weren’t any. Reid stopped trying to pull me down the stairs, realising I wouldn’t go willingly. Instead threw me over his shoulder while I struggled to get free.

“Reid, stop. Let’s talk about this.” He ignored my pleas. I could hear his footsteps echoing on the concrete floor as he marched down them.

Zane and Wendy looked on horrified, as I was thrown into a cell and dumped on the bed.

“Boss, what’s going on?” Wendy asked, running to my side and wrapping her arm around my shoulders.

“Any of you let her out, and you will have me to deal with.” They looked at me wondering what it was I had done that would earn such treatment. “Now get out.” Both of them bolted from the room. I heard Wendy’s voice creep into my mind.

“What did you do, Aria?” Her panicked voice quickly leaving as Reid gripped my shoulders, shaking me out of the mind-link.

“You ask them to let you out, and I will kill them. Do you understand, Aria? Their deaths will be on your hands.”

“You're being irrational. You can’t keep me here, what is that going to do?” Reid paced around trying to think.

“I will not have you murder my child.”

“So, what your going to keep me here until I spit out this baby?”

“Yes, if I have too. After that I will let you out. You don’t get to choose this; this decision isn’t yours.”

I cut him off. “The Moon Goddess has no right choosing my life, Reid. This is my choice. It’s my body.” He lost it; I was shoved into the wall, his hands on either side of my arms while his face was barely an inch off mine. Ryder’s eyes coming to the surface, burning rage simmering in the eyes of his beast. His voice distorted as his growl shocked me to the core, making my hair stand on end.

“Anything happens to that baby you are carrying, I will not only end you but everyone you love.” His voice was cold and emotionless. It chilled me to the bone. I knew he wasn’t bluffing. Ryder wasn’t like Reid, he wasn’t rational. Ryder acted out of instinct and anger, any emotion setting him off. I hated to admit that I did fear him when he was like this. I knew his threats weren’t empty, they were a promise. One I knew he would keep if I pushed him. My mind went to Lily. Would Ryder really kill her? Would Reid let him?

The knowing glint in his eyes showed he knew where my mind went first. Where it always goes first, Lily. Everything I have done is for her. I would never willingly put her in danger. I would give my last breath for her; she is and always will be put above my own life. Ryder, realising I understood, retreated. Reid’s silver eyes came back, showing Ryder had given him control back.

Reid kissed my forehead and then stood up, walking out, closing the concrete door behind him. I ran towards it, but it clicked into place, effectively locking it before I even had a chance to try and escape. I sat back on the bed, looking around at my new living arrangements. It consisted of a bed with a rubber mattress and a steel toilet with a sink attached up the top. This was a prison cell, usually prison cells were for rogues. It was cold and damp. There weren’t any windows, so I couldn’t see outside and the only lighting I had was from the fluorescent light beaming brightly above me.

Deciding to lay down, I pulled the thin sheet over me. Trying to get some sort of warmth. After a while, I felt myself doze off. I wasn’t sure how long I was asleep for when I was awoken by the sounds of footsteps on the stairs outside the door. I felt like it had only been a few minutes but could have been hours.

Reid opened the door, stepping in, only to close it behind him. I sat up. Reid had a pillow and some blankets in his arms, as well as some food. I watched as he placed it on the end of the bed and walked out again, not saying a single word to me. I grabbed the blanket, wrapping it around me. The food didn’t tempt me in the slightest, all it did was make me crinkle my nose from the strong smell of the cheese. I usually liked grilled cheese, but now, I couldn’t stand the smell of it or food in general. Laying back down, I soon forgot about the smell as I went back to sleep.

I dreamt of Lily when she was a baby, only this wasn’t a good dream. A dream of David taking her away, of never seeing her again as she was ripped from my arms, screaming, crying out for me. I screamed and smacked into him trying to get him to give her back, only for him to turn around, and no baby was in his arms, fear running through me at his empty arms. I awoke covered in sweat, my heart pounding in my chest as I tried to adjust to the bright light. Only I wasn’t alone, Reid was watching me. An indecipherable look on his face.

“You have been asleep for three days. I asked your father and Mavis. They said it is normal. That its because the baby is growing more rapidly, faster everyday.” I mulled over his words.

I noticed my clothes were different. I was in flannelette pyjamas and had white socks on. Did I really sleep that heavily? How did I not wake up?

“I will let you upstairs to shower. You try anything, anything at all, Aria…”

“I won’t.” I whispered, cutting him off and looking at the open door. My throat felt dry and itchy having not used it for days apparently. Reid nodded and stood up, walking to the door. He waited for me to follow. I sat up stretching, stretching felt different. I felt different, looking down to notice the small bump at the bottom of my abdomen. That’s impossible, it's been three days and I could already see a slight bump proving my pregnancy was progressing. My hand went to it, to see if it was real and it was. The bump was really there. Reid watched me carefully like he thought I was going to hurt myself. Pulling my top down, I heard him let out a breath.

“Where is everyone?”

“They are upstairs, you won’t be speaking to anyone Aria.”

“Can I at least see Lily?” Reid turned back to the door, holding his head high ignoring my question.

“I don’t have all day, hurry up,” Reid said. He held so much hatred behind his words. It saddened me that one question could turn him against me. Why did I ask Mavis in front of him? I felt stupid.


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