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Hybrid Aria by Jessica Hall novel Chapter 48

Reid walks over to me, leaning down he presses his entire body onto mine before kissing me gently. I answer his kiss, kissing him hungrily as the need to takes over. Reid, feeling my arousal through the bond, presses himself into me. I can feel the bulge in his pants. I rub myself against him, wanting the friction. I feel Reid chuckle against my lips, his hands going to mine, lifting them above my head. He holds them down with one of his, his other hand going to my leg as he wraps it around his waist.

I moan into his mouth, his tongue playing with mine, fighting for dominance and I don’t fight back, loving the feel of him touching me. I grind my hips upwards. Reid groans, his lips going to my neck and his canines brushing my skin, before moving lower. He lets go of my hands and lifts my shirt off over my head before trapping them again above my head with his hand. I feel his teeth graze my nipple as he sucks it into his mouth, tugging on it with his teeth. My senses are fighting for control. Reid senses that and grips my hands tighter. “Fight it, give me control.” I fight the urges and remain still.

Reid continues his assault on my nipples, sucking and biting. My body becoming impatient with need. I grind myself against him, needing the friction, needing him to touch me. Reid’s hands go to my thighs as he lets go of my hands, my fingers going instantly to his hair, as I rub my fingers through it. I feel him shiver, his lips moving lower, stopping at my hip. He grips the waistband of my pants and yanks them off before reaching for my panties which are now soaked in my juices. I feel him kiss my knee as he slides them down. Reid suddenly moves his face between my legs, and without warning, I feel his hot tongue on me, parting my lips before plunging inside me, hungrily. I moan at the sudden contact, my back arching off the bed. My hands gripping his hair, wanting to tug him away, but Reid just pulls my thighs further apart, his tongue swirling around my clit before sucking it into his mouth.

I moan, my juices spilling onto my thighs and Reid's mouth as he devours me. My body reaching its peak, on the verge of exploding when I feel my stomach clench. Reid sucks my little button in his mouth hard and I am shoved completely over the edge. My legs shaking, trying to close around his head, but he holds them wide forcing them to rest on the mattress. His tongue not stopping as he licks up my juices.

I moan as I come down from my orgasm, Reid moves up my body, and I clutch at his pants. Needing him inside me, I undo his belt buckle and Reid using one hand, he slides them down his cock springing free, I feel it against my thigh. Using his legs, he kicks his pants off and onto the floor. I reach for his cock grasping it with my hand, I feel it twitch at the contact. Reid’s lips finding mine. His tongue playing with mine as I move my hand up and down his shaft. Reid groans before thrusting into my hand, his lips not leaving mine. I move my hand lower, cupping his balls, I tug on them squeezing softly. Reid’s lips go to my mark sucking on it, my legs wrap around his waist, pulling him to me. My hands go to his face as I kiss him hungrily. Reid positioned himself at my entrance and rams in making me cry out at the sudden intrusion. Reid finds his rhythm as he slams into me, His hands gripping mine above my head pushing them into the mattress, as he thrusts into me harder, making me moan out as his cock fills me to the brim. I meet his thrusts, moving my hips in time with them. My orgasm building up the faster he moves, slamming his cock into me relentlessly as he chases his own release. His thrusts becoming erratic, and I know he is close. I reach between us and grab his balls, squeezing them. I hear him groan, and I am sent over the edge, my pussy clenching tightly around his cock and Reid finds his own release, his warm seed spilling into me as I milk his cock coming down from my own orgasm.

Reid collapses beside me, his now flaccid cock leaving my body. We both lay there breathless, coming down from the high. I roll to my side, facing him when he pulls me on top of him. I rest my head on his chest, loving the warmth of his skin. Reid’s fingertips running down my back to my waist and up again. I prop my head on my hands that are lying flat on his chest and watch him. His eyes not leaving mine as his fingers keep tickling my back. Reid lifts his head and kisses my nose, before rolling so he is now between my legs, holding himself up with his arms on either side of my face.

I watch him, he moves my hair from my face where it was sticking due to perspiration. I lean up to kiss him, and he moves his head back, a smile on his lips teasing. Reid presses his lips softly to mine.

“I love you,” he says softly. I wrap my arms around his waist.

“I love you too.” Reid’s face moving closer to mine as he kisses me gently. I wrap my legs around his waist, and he chuckles.

“Come on, let's have a shower then you need to feed,” he says, kissing my head. He goes to get up, and I wrap my legs tighter around his waist. He laughs but then sits up, bringing me with him, so I am now straddling him. Realising I am not letting go he stands up, his hand slapping my arse before he squeezes it, I can feel his growing erection pressing against the inside of my leg. I rub myself on it. Reid squeezes my arse but keeps walking into the bathroom, he turns the shower on.

My lips going to his neck where my mark is. He groans and grips my hips, rubbing his cock on my clit. I feel the water hit my back before I feel the cold tiles on my back, making me squeal and jump at the coldness. Reid chuckles. I feel it rumble in his chest. Before his hands push me lower, and he thrusts inside me again. My head going back to rest on the tile, Reid’s mouth moving to my neck and collarbone nipping, and sucking on my skin. I grip his shoulders, moving my hips against his. I pull his hair, pulling his head back, his face getting wet under the water before I smash my lips into his, desire coursing through every cell of my body, my fluids coating his cock as he thrusts harder and faster, his grip on my hips getting tighter as he moves them in rhythm with him going deeper.


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