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Hybrid Aria by Jessica Hall novel Chapter 54

Reid’s POV

We all finally came to, I could feel my Pack members waking, I lifted my head in search of Zane. Only to realise I wasn’t in the industrial area anymore but a bunker. I rolled to my side, my eyes landing on Abel, Aria’s father. Zoe and he were going over something on the steel table across from me. I sat up, dropping my feet over the edge of the couch I was placed on.

“You're awake about fucking time. Now get up and help me find my daughter.” Abel spoke, I could hear the venom in his words, and I jumped up growling. Abel turned to me his anger clearly on display not even trying to hide what he is, his eyes burning brightly, reflecting oddly under the lights.

“Maybe you can answer that, they should have taken you, not my mate!” I screamed, grabbing a hold of his shirt and flinging him back into the table. Zoe raced to his side but was too slow before he charged at me. Grabbing me around the waist, we fought, throwing punches back and forth. I noticed Zoe taking a seat out of the corner of my eye, looking annoyed. I headbutted Abel and felt his nose break on impact. He stumbled backwards. Just as he went to lunge again, Zoe spoke up.

“Enough we have to find my granddaughter and great-grandchild this shit isn’t helping.” We both stopped glaring at each other, both of us breathing heavily trying to catch our breath.

“I see being mated to my girl has made you stronger,” he said rebreaking his nose into place. I knew he was holding back slightly. I shouldn’t have had the upper hand on him, but I think he needed to blow off steam and I was the more durable target in the room.

“Where is the rest of my Pack?”

“I could only bring you; I am not a bloody donkey. How many did you want to bring back here?” He snarled. Zoe hit the table with her hand bringing our attention back to her, the Pack will have to wait.

“I have scoured the entire City trying to pick up their scent, they covered their tracks well,” Abel said, annoyed at his lack of progress.

“How long have I been out?”

“Only about twelve hours,” Zoe said matter of factly. Ryder wasn’t happy about being out so long, they could be anywhere by now.

“I enlisted the help of some humans; a lot of people noticed the war happening on their doorstep and are also scouring everywhere trying to find a lead.”


“Yes Reid, they aren’t stupid. They know what happens in their City they just choose to turn a blind eye to it, but now I have spoken to some, human or not these monsters killed innocent children they won’t stand for that, they are going to help move yours and those of David’s Pack that are injured to the stadium, they are willing to help if needed, we just need to find them first.” Zoe added.

I nodded. It felt strange knowing they have turned a blind eye. I knew a few high up members of the city knew of our existence but never in a million years would I have thought the entire City knew, times were definitely changing. We had a war on our hands and could really use the extra reinforcements, maybe this is a good thing them knowing.

“So, what do you know? So far?”

“Not much I just got off the phone and was about to tell Abel what I know, but then you woke up, and I couldn’t get a word in with you two trying to kill each other” Abel turned to her giving her his attention. He lent back on the table, and I folded my arms across my chest, waiting to listen as well. Now realising our mistake, we weren’t going to get anywhere fighting amongst ourselves.

Chapter 53 1

Chapter 53 2


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