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Hybrid Aria by Jessica Hall novel Chapter 7

Reid’s POV

Leaving home early, I decided to head straight to Joe’s Diner, not bothering to send Zane today. Besides, I also had a meeting at 9:00 with Alpha David. Seeing as we have cleared his rogues, he wants my men off his territory now.

I was extremely tired. My wolf kept me up most of the night. Even now Ryder was starting to become agitated and restless, and I had been struggling to keep him contained. All night he kept telling me something was wrong but did not know what. Getting in my car, I drove quickly, ignoring the speed limit, not taking me long to arrive at the small diner. Parking the car on the curb out the front, I got out and went in. I was greeted by the owner, Zoe. She was a nice lady. I sat at the counter, looking around, trying to see if she was in. Zoe came over, placing a mug of coffee in front of me. Reaching for it, I took a sip. After about an hour, she still wasn’t in.

I looked at the time and saw it was 8 o’clock already. Zoe looked worried too. She kept glancing at the clock a few times, and she even stuck her head out the door looking towards the bus stop, but no Aria or Lily.

“I knew something was wrong. It’s been nagging me all night,” Ryder growled angrily in my mind.

“Shut up, you can’t know that,” I replied, annoyed, shoving him into the back of my mind. Feeling him still growling at me I got up and walked to the window looking out but no sign of her, so I walked back to the counter to speak to Zoe.

“Is Aria not working today?” I asked nervously.

“She was supposed to start at 6 this morning. I’m not sure what’s going on,” she replied. I could tell she was concerned, she kept glancing at the door and the clock.

“Is Aria usually late? Does she have a phone?” Zoe looked back at me before refilling my mug.

“No, never she is never usually late or misses her shift unless…” she hesitated then regained her composure. “No, she hasn’t got a phone.”

“Unless what?” I ask. I could tell she was going to say something before she stopped herself.

“No, it’s nothing you should concern yourself with.”

When Zoe went to walk away, I stopped her. I could tell something had her on edge, but before I could say anything, she stared me down.

“Look, I know she is your mate. It’s quite obvious to me, but really I can’t tell you anymore. She has enough on her plate without you causing trouble for her; you need to leave her alone,” she snapped before glancing at the door again.

“What? How do you know?” I shook my head. trying to wrap my mind around what just came out of this human woman’s mouth.

“My husband was a hunter. I know what goes on in this city; I may be old but not blind.”

“Was a hunter?” I asked, shocked by her admission.

“Yes. Joe, my husband, was a hunter until he realised his best friend was a Vampire. That’s when we realised Vampires and your kind aren’t much different from humans. Most just want to live in peace, so he quit, and that’s what got him killed. He died protecting his best mate when the Hunters came for him. My husband got in the way trying to protect him, they both died.” She told me this completely unaffected, not like she did not care, but like she had come to terms with it and accepted it.

I just stared, completely shocked. Most Hunters wouldn’t go and tell someone like me they were Hunters unless they were cocky or downright suicidal, but Zoe spoke as if it were a lifetime ago. I could tell there was no hate in her for my kind at all, just acceptance. I watched her go out the back, and I just sat thinking of what Zoe had just told me.


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