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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince (Hope and Logan) novel Chapter 133

Chapter 133 

Henry pulled Logan in his direction as he stood between those two. Have you lost your mind?He questioned her. Hope is your wife!He almost yelled at her. The nurse entered at that moment, and asked Henry to lower his voice. She told Logan to stay in bed since he hadn’t recovered fully

Henry glared at Olivia when the nurse asked him to leave

Follow me,Henry told Olivia

I’ve to be with Logan,” Olivia said and she ignored him. Henry felt betrayed because he blindly put his faith in her. Whatever Hope said about her was absolutely true and now he feared that Logan might lose his life by staying around Olivia

You should leave, Henry. The nurse doesn’t want more people to be here,Olivia said in her usual low voice. She sat on the chair beside the beside and started conversing with the nurse

Henry didn’t have time to waste on her, so he went out of the wardroom to look for Hope. He took out his phone and called Ryan, asking for Hope when Paul and Clifton arrived there

Is Logan fine?Paul immediately asked while Henry hung up the call

Yes, he is. But Olivia is inside,Henry replied

What? Keep her away from Logan,Clifton muttered as he was ready to barge into the room when Henry stopped him. He narrated them everything that happened earlier

Logan asked for a divorce and he proposed Olivial No, that cannot happen. Logan will never do that,Paul refused to believe in that.. 

It’s the truth. Let’s find Hope first. She left after what Logan did,Henry suggested to them

We cannot let Olivia stay with Logan. I’ll stay here. You two should take Hope to the home,Paul advised them

Henry and Clifton agreed for that. They both left to find Hope while Paul went inside the wardroom to check on Logan and definitely see the main villian of his best friend’s life

Paul greeted the nurse, who left while Olivia left her seat


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Emergency calls onlyO 

Chapter 133 

Paul!She acted astonished, thinking he did not know about her wrong acts so far

Logan, what’s this? Why is Olivia here? I thought you were completely over her,Paul proclaimed, squinting his eyes with suspicion. Where’s Hope? Shouldn’t she be here?he inquired

Hope has leftI demanded divorce from her. Everything was forced from my side and it is the time, I should be with one whom I have almost lost once,Logan stated

Paul glanced at Olivia, who had worn a tiny smile on her lips. Can you please give us a moment, Olivia?he urged her

Huh? Why?Olivia’s reaction clearly told that she didn’t wish to leave

I want to have a private conversation with my friend,Paul asserted. His tone was cold and stern

Olivia, just go out,Logan said with a smile as he made a request this time

She could not refuse him and silently left the room. As soon as the door closed, Paul decided to punch Logan, so that his mind would work again. Before he could do that, Logan asked him to find Hope

What? Weren’t you the one who hugged Olivia and proposed her in front of Hope? What’s wrong with you?Paul lost his temper

Dude, I have to act. Olivia had given something to the nurse, which the nurse almost succeeded in feeding me. I am acting, so that I can end Olivia. Hope couldn’t see through my act. But you need to find her and tell her that it is an act,” Logan explained everything to Paul, who was surprised to hear his friend’s plan

Logan, do you even have any idea what you did?Paul asked him

I fucked up! I know. Hope will hate me for hurting her. But it’s the only way to stop Olivia from harming my family and my people. Olivia is a powerful sorceress. She had even manipulated Henry. That’s why I had to act,Logan said while being angry on himself

Paul hugged Logan as he sat in front of him on the same bed. Everything will be fine, Bro!He said and withdraw from the hug

Olivia wants revenge from me this is what I’ve found out so far. But what is the reason, I have to learn that

That’s why I need to make sure I come to Olivia’s good side. No one knows what a sorceress can do. And I cannot risk any of your lives. So, I need to put an end into this,Logan proclaimed


Emergency calls only 

Chapter 133 

Paul hummed and told Logan he had his full support

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Olivia would have killed Hope if I hadn’t acted according to her. That’s why keeping her away from myself is crucial for me, I cannot let Hope be harmed in anyway,” Logan stated.. 


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