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I Want a Divorce (Abigail and Sean) novel Chapter 190

Chapter 190 I’m Not So Easy to Deal With

Sean winced in pain but didn’t retreat. Instead, he smirked as he stared at Abigail. “How have I gone too far? I took a flight from Pendorf at 9.00PM yesterday to Ouisford just to explain things to you. But when I arrived, you had already checked out without a word. I’ve been searching for you until now. Is asking for a k*ss from you too much as compensation?”

In her mind, she couldn’t help but think, Was that just a k*ss? It seemed like he wanted to devour me. “Sean, I don’t have anything to say to you.” She raised her gaze to look at him. His eyes were deep, like a cold pool. So, she hastily averted her gaze.

Yet, he raised his hand and gently held her chin. He looked at the faint blush on her face and her eyelashes trembling. “If you have nothing to say, then we won’t talk,” he said softly, k*ssing her l*ps again. As he tilted his head, he k*ssed her slowly, inch by inch. Each action belayed a hint of attentiveness and some imperceptible attempts to please.

“We’re a married couple. Even if you argue with me, I won’t argue back,” he whispered.

Alas, she only looked at him with furrowed brows. “Sean, I want a divorce. I’m not joking.” She was truly tired of the constant feeling of insecurity. She no longer had the energy to worry about the tangled situation between Joan and him..

After she said that, Sean held her face in his hands. “We won’t get a divorce. I know you’re upset because of Joan. But I swear the title of Mrs. Graham will always be yours.” His voice was calm, without any emotional fluctuations.

However, Abigail turned her face away. “I don’t want that position, Sean.”

“You were the one who wanted to marry me in the first place. Yet, now you’re the one who wants a divorce. What do you take me for? Do you think I’m so easy to deal with?” He held her chin firmly, and his eyes suddenly filled with anger.

Her breathing instantly became rapid, and she stared at him intensely. “We’ve been through this. I’ll give you all the time you need to think things through.”

“There’s no need for that! I’m going to take a shower. Get me a towel.” He released her.

She merely leaned against the door and watched him with red-rimmed eyes in response.

“Haven’t I been treating you well enough? I’m not the least bit angry even when you refuse to

calls and make me search for you high and low. What else do you want from me?” he

answer my

asked her.

Tears welled up in her eyes, and she choked back her sobs.

Sean promptly swallowed any words of reprimand the instant he caught sight of Abigail crying. Instead, he walked over and hugged her, patting her back gently. “I know it’s hard for you because

of Joan, but I promise you, I really don’t like her.”

“Can you just let me go?” she said tearfully.

He only tightened his embrace around her as he placed his chin on her shoulder. “No.”

When she heard his answer, she reached out, grabbed his clothes, and bit her l*p as she tried her best to get her emotions under control.

At this moment, he k*ssed her neck slowly, moving downward. With that, her b*dy went limp, and she collapsed into his embrace.

“Honey,” he said with tenderness in his tone, comforting her.

Still, she whimpered and curled into herself.

After he carried her to the bed, he planted k*sses all over her b*dy.

The moment their intimate moment ended, she lay on the bed in a daze as she gasped for breath.

“I’ll carry you to the shower.” Sean got up and, in the process, lifted her from the bed.


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