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Ice and Fire novel Chapter 288

"Only if you tell me what's your relationship with Mond! And how does Grandpa also know him?" said Cherry, more determined than ever to find out what had actually happened. She had to know the truth, although she didn't know the exact reason why she was so anxious to do that. There was an impulse in her heart that encouraged her, and she believed that all of her questions would be answered if Jackson just told her everything.

"Don't force me to get mad at you, " said Jackson, trying to suppress his indignation. It appeared that he didn't know how to answer Cherry's question. He wasn't intending to answer her questions now and neither in the future, because what Cherry want to know was a taboo over his whole entire life.

Cherry felt a bit helpless because of Jackson's reaction. He was avoiding her question and was soon going to blow mad at her!

The argument between them stopped.

Staring at Cherry, who was standing in front of him, Jackson finally decided to control himself and keep his wits. He then softly said to Cherry, "Baby, trust me, I concealed all of these things from you for your own good. You don't have to know everything, and living your present life okay is enough for you."

"My present life?" Cherry then looked up at Jackson and bared her soul to him, "Do you think my present life is okay?" I know nothing about you, Sally, my sister and this other man called Mond! I know nothing at all about you! I'm living in fear, and I'm afraid that some accident will happen to our son! I'm afraid that if something bad happens to him, I won't know how to deal with it because I don't know anything!"

Jackson quietly looked at Cherry without speaking a word.

After she paused for a while, Cherry continued to say, "Jackson, I really have a feeling that I've just been like an idiot. I've been at your side for so much time already as your wife, but you are always reluctant to tell me anything about your past. Is it so precious and secret that you can only keep it buried deep down inside your heart? Or it is because you don't trust me at all? You and your Grandpa have never treated me in your hearts as an actual member of your Family, have you?"

"Yes, I don't trust you, and I never treated you as a member of the Chu Family!" replied Jackson firmly, with his eyes fixed on Cherry.

Cherry could hardly believe her ears, and thought, 'What did he say? Did these words actually come out of Jackson's mouth?'

Jackson continued, "Cherry, I should have told you about this long ago. Don't attach too much importance to yourself, because it's still impossible for you to know everything just because you're my wife. I have never allowed you to get into my world."

Jackson acted against his true will and said all of these lies to Cherry. He had only two choices: lying to her, or telling her the truth about Mond, but he would have never chosen the latter, because the truth about Mond wasn't only a great shame for the Chu Family, but also a hard knot in his heart. He decided to hide the truth from Cherry, because he couldn't let her suffer as he did.

"Hehe, " laughed Cherry all of a sudden. She shook off Jackson's hand and moved backwards two paces. She focused her eyes on Jackson, and then said, "People always say that misfortunes test a couple's sincerity. Now we can see how sincere we are with each other, right?"

Jackson didn't reply, and instead looked sideways and no longer gazed at Cherry. It had been very hard for him to decide to lie to her and speak against his will, and he was afraid that he couldn't help embracing her and telling everything to her when he saw her touching expression on her face.

"I can see that Mond is very important to you. You can even speak your mind because of him, " said Cherry, while she decided to ignore Jackson's words. Then, Cherry's look in her eyes got serious again, and as she looked at Jackson, said, "I'm interested in this person called Mond, and actually want to know him very much. Even though you won't tell me who he is now, I think that I'll meet him, one way or another. When I do, I'll ask him what's your relationship, and how he also knows Grandpa Andrew face to face."


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