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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 179

This was my first time in K City. Being the country’s capital, it came with rich historical background. Not only did it pay homage to its rich past, but it also served to usher in its even brighter future.

However, such a large city meant that it came with its own set of problems, namely traffic. Ashton had one hand on the steering wheel while his other drummed impatiently against the steering wheel.

I looked at the scenery outside the car window distractedly. I may have seemed calm on the outside, but I was actually quite nervous.

I had never met Ashton’s aunt before.

The city center was a glorious sight. In an area where every square inch of land was worth a lot of money, they had also developed natural green pockets and parks. The people who lived here were super-rich with their cars dotting the parking lots.

When I got out of the car, I noticed that even shrubs and trees in the area were exotic. There was also an eye-catching lily pond in the center, where pink and white lilies were in full bloom.

Ashton took me along a cobblestone path. As we walked up the stairs, we soon reached another stately-looking Oriental-style villa.

In the two years that I’d been with Ashton, I’d seen plenty of luxurious villas. The property in front of me was particularly outstanding and overwhelming.

Standing at the gate was a very composed woman who looked to be in her thirties. She wore a dress the color of ink, embroidered with daisies.

As soon as she saw us, she greeted us with a joyous smile. “Well, I’d been expecting you both for breakfast instead! Since you took so long to arrive, we can only have lunch.”

“I apologize. The traffic was terrible!” replied Ashton, looking sheepishly at her.

His gaze returned to me. All this while, he hadn’t let go of my hand yet. “This is my wife, Scarlett.”

The woman looked at me indulgently as her smile widened. She pulled me towards her for a closer look. “So she is the woman father chose? She has an elegant and good-natured air, plus she also looks beautiful even though she’s with child!”

I grinned and said, “Hello, Aunt Sally.”

George Fuller only had three children in his lifetime. Out of the three, two were sons. The eldest died young, leaving only one other male in his wake. The second son was more carefree and wasn’t particularly interested in corporate affairs. Little else was known about his daughter, Sally Fuller.

With all the introductions out of the way, Aunt Sally then led us both into the villa. With its white walls and black tiles, the building had a simple color palette. However, there was no denying that the materials and overall design were top-notch.

Next to the villa was an open-air yard area. From here, I could see someone sitting under a sunshade, drinking tea with a book in his hands. Next to him lay a large gray Tibetan mastiff. I wasn’t particularly fond of dogs, especially large ones like this intimidated me.

I couldn’t help but lean against Ashton, instinctively clutching his elbow.

Having noticed my reaction, Ashton paused to glance at what triggered it before looking away.

“That’s your Uncle Benjamin’s son, Marcus,” said Sally with a smile. “You’re both of the same age, Ashton.”


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