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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 263

Ashton sneered and pinched my cheek. “I hope you’re telling the truth.”

After Ashton departed, I planned to return to bed and take another nap before starting my day, but my phone on the nightstand had started buzzing.

I took a peek and noticed I have an incoming call from an anonymous number. The first call was hung up by the person on the other end because I had no intention to pick it up.

After several consecutive calls, I picked it up and heard a man’s hoarse voice the moment the call got through. “I’m at your doorstep!”

“John?” I was surprised.

“Are you trying to avoid me?” he replied, utterly irritated.

“N-No! I’m not in K City! Currently, I’m at J City!”

He got worked up all of a sudden and yelled, “Stop it! I’m currently at Peakville Estate! Are you going to open the door or not?”

I finally figured out the reason behind his frustration – it turned out he was right at my doorstep, yet I refused to pick up the call.

After I changed and headed downstairs, I noticed the maid had gotten the breakfast ready. I told her to get me another serving and pack it for me.

By the time I reached the entrance, I saw the Bugatti that was parked right in front of the gate. The driver of the eye-catching vehicle winded down the window and instructed, “Get in the car!”

As soon as I boarded the car, I caught a whiff of a pleasant scent. Perhaps it the air freshener that was applied to conceal the awful stench of tobacco.

John laid the seat flat and stared at me with his pale and haggard face while he took another whiff of smoke. “Why have you blacklisted my contact number?”

I was confused. A few seconds later, I asked, “Huh? Since when have I done such a thing?”

John sneered and asked, “Have you spent the night with Ashton again?”

I nodded and affirmed his thoughts while he scoffed, “Hmph! He must be the one behind it!”

Does that mean Ashton was the one who had blacklisted John’s contact number? Though, why would Ashton pick on John out of the blue?

“Have you called me last night?”

John nodded and told me he called me at three o’clock in the middle of the night.

“3 a.m.? Well, you should have seen that coming!” I blurted out the things in my mind. After all, no ordinary man would reach out to others in the middle of the night.

The man, who was in a foul mood, told me, “Rebecca was rushed to the hospital last night, and I don’t think her child will make it through.”

I was astonished by his statement and recalled the conversation Cameron had with Ashton at three in the morning. “What have you shown Rebecca?”

John squinted his eyes and yawned as though he didn’t have enough sleep last night. “I have shown her the photos of all sorts of children and given her a special souvenir.”

“Which was…”

“Have you heard of a voodoo doll?” He queried with an odd expression that made it hard to read his actual mood.


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