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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 291

I did not know how to console him, so all I could do was give him reminders.

Lifting a brow, he cast an icy gaze at me. “You’re not going to stay?”

After a pause, I shook my head.

Then I grabbed my jacket and left.

So many things had happened unexpectedly. By the time I reached the villa, it was already past midnight.

Before my car entered the garage, I saw the man standing by the doorway. He was a towering man. Under the dim streetlight, he looked like a weary traveler.

After parking my car, I stood by the doorway. Once again, it started drizzling.

His expression darkened. “Are you planning to stand outside for the rest of your life?”

With that said, he strode toward me. The more droplets landed on him, the more distant he seemed to me.

Pressing my lips tightly together, I muttered, “Didn’t you say you’ll be late tonight?” What I had understood from his call earlier was that it was likely he would not return tonight. After all, J City was far from K City. It would take him half a day just to fly there and back.

He sneered, “Do you think this isn’t late?”

He was right; it was already past midnight.

Instead of saying anything else, he pulled me into the villa. Staring at me with a dark look, he asked, “Where did you go?”

“Central Park,” I replied, not planning to hide anything from him. Whatever happened today was major, and I was late in coming home. Even if I said nothing about it, he would find out about it tomorrow.

He narrowed his eyes dangerously. “Why don’t you say there for a few more days? It’ll save you the trouble from having to travel around.”

I nodded. “Sounds good. I plan to do that too.”

“Scarlett!” He gritted out, “Who is your husband?”

Speechless for a moment, I huffed, “You’re the one who asked me to move there. Why are you angry at my reply?”

“Am I not allowed to be angry? You’re spending most of the day with Marcus. Why don’t you just take him in as your godson? That way, you can keep him company every second of your life.”

Looking at his enraged expression, I retorted, “Why don’t you tell me to marry him instead?”

Smack! He slammed his hand onto the table, looking a second away from strangling me to death. “So it’s right of you to come back after midnight?”


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