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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 297

We were miles apart. I wasn’t too sure if Jackson was being honest, so I said, “Jackson, give me your address in M Country. I’ll come over for a visit in a few days. I want to see your child.”

“The weather is too cold so just stay at home since you usually fall sick easily. M Country is way colder compared to K City. You wouldn’t get used to it here. Just wait until Macy has recovered and the baby grows older, then we will come back,” Jackson said hurriedly. At that moment, I heard the baby’s cries on the other end. “The baby is crying. I need to go now. I’ll send you pictures of the baby shortly. I’m going to hang up now.”

He hung up the call right after. I was stunned for a moment with the phone in my hand.

Since Ashton was busy with Fuller Corporation’s hospital and I wasn’t able to help him in any way, I decided to not bother him further.

It was snowing heavily when Sally arrived at the villa. Her body was covered with snowflakes in just a few minutes when she got out of the car and entered the villa.

Mrs. Eriksen was shocked to see her. “Ms. Fuller!” Sally was familiar with Mrs. Eriksen because she had been working for the Fullers for many years.

Sally was stunned for a moment. “Mrs. Eriksen, why have you come to K City?”

“Because of Mr. Ashton and Letty. These few days, Letty hasn’t been feeling well and Mr. Ashton told me to come over and take care of her. How… are you these years?”

Sally smiled and looked over while I was preparing to get up and greet her.

“Scarlett, where is Ashton?”

After asking Mrs. Eriksen to prepare some tea, I looked at her. “He has a lot of work to do at the office and hasn’t been home for a few days. Why are you looking for him, Ms. Fuller?”

Upon sensing the animosity from the way I’d addressed her, she frowned. “Scarlett, are you still mad at me about what happened previously?”

I smiled and gestured her to take a seat. “You’re overthinking. I was just addressing you without thinking twice.”


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