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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 300

For a moment, I felt the warmth exuding from within.

“This morning when I was staring at the snow outside the balcony, I wondered to myself if you had a good rest in the hotel last night. After all, it wouldn’t be as comfortable compared to staying at home. There wouldn’t be any heater or warm clothing. You looked weaker when I saw you earlier.” Even though I whispered those words, he was listening to them intently.

I could sense a smile in his baritone voice. “Alright. Tonight I’ll let you make it up to me!”

I lowered my head and blushed.

Upon hearing that we wanted to head out for dinner, Sally didn’t say much. After all, Ashton was around and he was the one who mentioned that he wanted to take me out. She remained silent, even if she wasn’t too pleased about that.

After we left the White residence, Ashton drove and brought me to a restaurant in the city center.

The crowd was huge at night. Fortunately, he had chosen a high-end area and there weren’t many people.

The ambience was nice and quiet. After the waiter guided us to our seat, Ashton looked at me and said, “Besides steak, what else do you want?”

I rested my chin on my hand while staring at the city’s bright lights. Without any hesitation, I replied, “Up to you, I’m fine with anything!”

He took a glance at me and saw that I was gazing at the scenery outside the window. Without questioning further, he ordered the food. “What plans do you have this new year?”

I shifted my gaze away from the bright lights and looked at him. “Wouldn’t it be the same as in previous years?”

But it was only at that moment that I realized in the previous years, Ashton and I would return to the Fullers’ family home to spend the new years when George was still alive. However, he wasn’t there anymore. Since we weren’t close to Uncle Charlie and Aunt Helen, it would be pointless to go back.

I pursed my lips at the thought.

Seeing my unease, he said, “I think the Stovall family would ask you to go over. What do you think of that?”

I had almost forgotten that Louis had asked me to be his god-daughter. “Then I guess I’ll be heading over to K City for New Year’s Eve.”

Macy and Jackson were both abroad, and I didn’t have any other relatives in J City. At the very least, Aunt Sally, Joe, Jared, and the Stovall family would also be here.

Upon thinking of Jared, I instantly asked Ashton, “Is everything settled at the hospital?”


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