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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 320

Clearly, he never expected that I would reject him. With a scowl, he asked, “What if I tell you I can defeat Cameron entirely?”

I shrugged indifferently. “Well, Cameron had it coming. I didn’t take action as I thought seeing her being tortured was far more interesting.”

As I wasn’t going to cave in, his scowl deepened. “Ms. Stovall, since you’ve made up your mind, why did you agree to meet me?”

I rested my chin on my hand and replied nonchalantly, “I want to know why you kidnapped me back then.”

Surprised at the mention of the kidnapping incident, he paused before answering. “I thought you’ve asked me about it before? What else do you want to know?”

My eyes crinkled up in amusement. “Do you think I’ll believe that? AC was part of the reason, but only a few people know about my pregnancy. Care to share where you found out about it? Also, remember the recording you shared with me? I’m curious as to who acted alongside Rebecca. Let’s talk about it, Mr. Tuffin!”

It had happened six months ago, but ever since Stacey mentioned it to me, I felt a niggling feeling in my chest telling me something was amiss. Back then, when I struck a deal with Caleb, I didn’t tell him the reason for my fake abortion. However, when Savini kidnapped me, he obviously knew why.

I already had a suspect, but I needed something more to confirm my suspicions.

Seeing my narrowed gaze, he let out a light chuckle. “Ms. Stovall, will you work with me after finding out the reason?”

I arched a brow. “I can consider that.”

He took a sip of his tea calmly. After a pause, he uttered, “Ms. Stovall, do you know Dr. Crest well?”

“Jared Crest?” I returned, preparing myself for his answer.

He shrugged. “Well, I wasn’t planning on kidnapping you at first as the risk was too high. Besides, AC’s president could’ve talked to you about the bid instead of planning the kidnapping.”

I nodded and beckoned for him to go on.

“Jared Crest came to us and offered to work with us. He actually wanted to partner up with Cameron. I’ve been working for Cameron for years, but he offered ten years of the Crest family’s audit in return. That means I’ll be in charge of part of Fuller Corporation’s audit and work with the Crest family for ten years. Hence, I agreed to his plan.”


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