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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 324

Nevertheless, I was curious as to who exposed the entire debacle to the public.

The Baumans knew nothing of this. Besides Sally and me, who else could it be?

I couldn’t understand any of it, so I simply stopped thinking. Looking up at Ashton, I asked, “Is everything alright at Fuller Corporation?”

He seems pretty exhausted lately.

With a faint smile, Ashton shook his head. “We’re expanding, so there are bound to be some difficulties. Don’t worry. I can solve the problems easily.”

Clearly, he didn’t want me to worry. I changed the topic deftly. “I might go to M Country to visit Macy and Jackson. It might take a while.”

His brows furrowed up. “It’s almost the end of the year. Why can’t you leave after the celebrations?”

I let out another sigh. “I’m just worried for them. You told me Dr. Crest is in M Country, so I told him to keep an eye on both Macy and Jackson. But he didn’t send me anything.”

After I finished bandaging his wound, Ashton tugged me down to sit beside him. “Let’s talk about this calmly, shall we?”

As he was rarely this patient with me, I gave him a nod. “Sure, go on.”

“The temperature in M Country is at least ten degrees lower than K City. You’ve just recovered, so I don’t think it’s a good idea to head there now. Do you understand?”

I inclined my head.

He pulled me into his arms and added, “Besides, Louis is going to hold a grand party to celebrate you being his goddaughter. Also, your plan to take Cameron down is about to succeed. Won’t you stay and see her ending for yourself?”

It took me a few seconds to realize what he was saying. Looking up in surprise, I blurted out, “Y-You know about it?”

Chuckling lightly, he brushed his finger across my nose. “Do you seriously think Stacey could get access to all the information easily in K City?”

Lips parted in surprise, I stared at him wordlessly as warmth enveloped my heart. He knew what I wanted and never stopped me from doing anything. Instead, he gave me his full support by helping me secretly.

A wave of warmth washed over me as I snuggled into his embrace. “Thank you, Ashton.” My voice was hoarse.

He pressed a kiss on my forehead before inquiring, “Why did Rebecca come here today?”


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