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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 335

She raised a questioning brow at everyone in the ward. Empty laughter cackled from her lips. “I’m the victim! I got stabbed for no reason, yet you’re all so cold-blooded to me. You asked me what I want. Well, I want to stab her back! Can you fulfill this request?”

My jaw tightened. I eyed her coldly and agreed, “That’s fine by me!”

Ashton’s brows furrowed into a deep “V” as he looked furiously at me. “Scarlett, shut up!”

“You’re fine with it?” Rebecca smiled ear-to-ear. “Great! Come over here, and we’ll get even after stabbing you.”

With that said, her cold glare fixated on me as she ripped out the IV needle from her arm. “There are no knives here, but I won’t need one. I’ll use this needle instead. We can call it even after I impale you.”

I approached her. My body moved surely and steadily, devoid of any fear. As I closed in on her, her sneering smile curved deeper.

Within seconds, her arm snaked forwards with the needle, aiming for my eye. Gasps sounded from all round.

Ashton was quick to notice her plan. His arm darted faster than hers, snatching the needle from her grasp. Unfortunately, the needle drew blood. It slit a long, bloodied line down his palm.

Witnessing this, heavy sighs of relief weighed down the room. Cameron collapsed into Zachary’s arms, burying her head into his chest. Complicated emotions surged as she said to me, “You should go. Let’s forget any of this ever happened.”

Rebecca sizzled in betrayal. “Mom! What are you talking about? She wanted to kill me! How can you let her get away with it?”

“Shut up!” Cameron yelled. Disgust colored her eyes green. “She wouldn’t have hurt you if you didn’t harass her in the middle of the night. Deep down, you know perfectly well why she stabbed you.”

Rebecca’s stared incredulously at her. Shock and disbelief burned under her skin; she refused to believe that the woman before her was her mother.

Realizing how harsh her words sounded, Cameron paused to recompose before meeting her daughter’s eyes again. Then, she spoke in a gentler voice, “Rebecca, you’re okay now. Just take a couple of days to rest and recover in the hospital, don’t stress yourself over anything else.”

But Rebecca was not easily swayed. She had spent most of her time alongside Ashton who sheltered and spoiled her. All those years in her life had cemented her arrogant and stubborn temperament. There was no way anyone could convince Rebecca to let go of her grudge.

Shooting daggers at me, Rebecca snorted. “Even if everyone here defends you, you’ll still go to jail. Don’t forget, Scarlett. Your fingerprints are all over the knife that you stabbed me with. I doubt anyone here can stop me if I insist on filing a case against you. As long as I’m alive, I’ll sue you for attempted murder. I’ll make sure you get at least a couple of years and rot in a jail cell.”

Clang! Ashton smashed a glass of water that originally sat on the bedside table.

With eyes locked on Rebecca, he picked up a shard off the ground. “Your wound receives seven stitches on it, is that right?”

Rebecca watched him cautiously, “What are you up to?”


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