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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 347

She turned to me and said, “When you see him later, do you intend to say hi?”

That was a strange question. “Why not?” I responded.

She shrugged. “Have you ever considered why they’re all in J City, but they lie to you about being in M Country?”

“Maybe they don’t want me to worry!”

“If that’s the case, what do you think their reaction would be when you appear out of the blue? I have an idea. Would you care to listen?”

“What do you have in mind?”

Stacey sat up straight and faced me. “You’ll see them tonight, but don’t go up to them first. Wait until tomorrow. I’m taking you somewhere to have the whole story sorted, and then we’ll deal with this calmly, alright?”

I was taken aback by what she said. It felt like she had overestimated the seriousness of the matter. I wanted to ask for more information but she silenced me. “Look, there they are!”

I looked in the direction she was pointing and saw two men, both about six feet tall, pushing a stroller as they talked.

There was some distance between us and them. I was a bit short-sighted anyway, so I could not make out exactly who they were but based on their silhouettes I could tell they were Nick and Jackson.

I really wanted to go over and talked to them, but Stacey stopped me. She urged me to call them on the phone first.

Alarmed, I took out of my phone. The screen showed some more missed calls from Ashton.

I had set my phone to silent mode after getting off the plane and since then I had not had the time to look at it.

“Didn’t you tell Mr. Fuller that you’re coming?” She said hesitantly after taking a peek at the number of missed calls on my phone screen.

I nodded. I looked through the contacts for Jackson’s phone and dialed his number.

Before long, the call went through to Jackson’s phone. From a distance, I watched him hesitate to pick it up. Nick muttered something to him, and after that, he answered the call.

“Scarlett, how’s it going?” Jackson answered the call.

I lowered my voice and said, “Hi, Jackson. Where are you? I’m coming to J City in a few days and I’m wondering if you’d like to visit as well. We can celebrate the new year together in J City. What do you think?”

There was silence at first, and then he said, “Hi, Scarlett. I’m afraid we can’t go. We’re still in M Country at the moment. It’s cold here. It’s not good for the baby, traveling back and forth. Maybe after the celebration, when it gets warmer. Then we can go back to see you.”

I watched as the man standing not far away fed me with lies. The feeling was unbearable. Why is he lying to me? If I had not come here and see them with my own eyes, I would think they were in M Country.

Pushing aside the disappointment, I asked, “What about Macy? How’s she doing these days?”


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