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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 389

Pursing his lips, John narrowed his eyes slightly. “You want to investigate the matter by yourself?”

“I just want to know the result. Or are you saying that I can’t even know who hurt me?” I retorted mildly.

He stared at me intently. After a long time, he sighed and ordered, “Wait for me. I’ll go check it out.”

He’d just left when Stacey came out. She looked at me and was just about to speak when I interrupted her.

“It’s rather late now, so let’s eat together another day.”

She was momentarily taken aback before noticing that John was making his way back. Looking at me, she nodded and answered, “Sure. Thank you for getting me in today.” As she said this, she looked over her shoulder at John and murmured, “Thank you, Mr. Stovall.”

John shrugged. “Why are you thanking me? It’s no big deal. It’s quite late now, so let’s go and have dinner together.”

“No, it’s okay. I still have to rush back to the countryside, so you two go ahead. Please excuse me.” After saying that, Stacey left.

John looked at me with pursed lips. “Your subordinate has the same temperament as you. So, what would you like to eat?”

“Anything.” I slipped into the car after replying him. Then, I turned my gaze on him and asked, “Is the DNA report out?”

At this, he nodded. “It doesn’t match Hudson’s, so they’re currently still investigating the matter.”

“I know it’s not Hudson’s. I just want to know the identity of the man at the hotel, for he might have planned this entire incident. I’m guessing that Rebecca and Sally are likely scapegoats.”

At this moment, my phone vibrated with a text message from Stacey, but I merely glanced at it before closing it.

As John drove in the direction of the city center, the sky had already grown dark. “Both Uncle Louis and I will investigate this matter, so don’t fixate on it. Take good care of yourself instead. Jackson said your depression has gotten worse. If you truly can’t stand staying at Peakville Estate, just move in with me and Uncle Louis. I don’t like that b*stard, Ashton, anyway, so you can just remain the pampered daughter of the Stovall family, and I’ll support you for the rest of your life.”

All at once, I giggled. “I’m only twenty-six years old, yet I can just laze around and do nothing?”

“Of course. With the Stovall family’s wealth and my assets, it’s not a problem even if you were to fritter a few million a day. After all, there’s infinite money for you to splurge.”

I chuckled, “Summer is probably the most blessed child in this world. The moment she’s born, her grandfather and uncle have made all arrangements for her.”

At this, he arched an eyebrow. “That’s for sure. After all, look who her uncle is.” After a brief pause, he shifted his gaze to me, turning serious. “Are you not planning to have your own child?” he queried.


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