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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 400

Just as she spoke, she protested with a pout after hearing what the person on the other line said. “Hey, I haven’t even finished!”

Putting her phone back into her pocket, she suggested, “Come, let’s leave together. Where are you heading? If it’s on the way, I can give you a lift.”

Smiling slightly, I gratefully replied, “Thanks. However, I’ll just get a cab. Thanks again.”

She smiled and didn’t insist. “I’m Camelia Alvarado, you can just call me Camelia. What about you?”

“I’m Scarlett Stovall!”

She nodded and replied, “When I’m married, I’ll take on my husband’s surname. So I’ll be known as Camelia White then.”

When we reached the airport’s exit, she repeated, “Do you want me to give you a lift? I’m worried that you might lose your way since you’re unfamiliar with the place.”

Smiling, I found her adorable. “Don’t worry Camelia, I won’t get myself lost.”

She puffed her cheeks and replied, “Alright. By the way, why don’t you take down my phone number? In case you lose your way, you can always call me.”

After taking down her number, her phone rang again. Having answered it, she looked in the direction of the airport’s pickup area.

When she saw a black Ferrari parked nearby, she waved. “Darling, I’m here!”

She turned to me. “Scarlett, I’m going off. See you again!”

Camelia ran towards the car. After she got in, she wound down her window and popped her head out, “Bye! Scarlett!”

When I look in her direction, I was utterly shocked to see the man beside her.

Mr. White was Marcus!

How could it be? I saw Marcus lying lifelessly in a pool of blood with my own eyes.

Inside the car, Marcus shot me a cold glance before averting his gaze and driving away.

The look he gave me was no different from that of a stranger. It took me a while after the car left before I regained my composure.

Jolted back to my senses by my phone ringing non-stop, I quickly answered despite still being shaken.

The voice over the line was one of suppressed anger. “Where are you?”

I was stunned as it was Ashton.

“I’m at the airport.” Looking up at the sky, it felt as if it was going to rain. Hence, I looked around for some cover.

Ashton was furious over the phone. “Where do you plan on going? It’s already midnight in J City. Scarlett, must you always make me worry? You simply left me a message saying that you were busy and turned off your phone. Do you know how worried I was?”


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