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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 416

Michael was an introvert. He gripped his father’s hand tightly as he stared at Summer and nodded. “Mhm. Thank you, Ms. Stovall!”

“Let’s go, then!”

At home, Summer and Michael busied themselves with picking produce in the backyard while Colin left to purchase fish.

Meanwhile, I started washing vegetables in the kitchen.

For the past four years, I had made a habit of personally cooking for Summer so as to ensure she had a balanced diet. As a result, my cooking skills had improved greatly.

After I’d washed the vegetables, the two kids came stumbling into the kitchen, each carrying a small basket.

Michael’s basket was filled to the brim—some of the vegetables inside threatening to spill over.

Summer’s basket only had several miscellaneous vegetables. It looked like she had been walking behind Michael and carefully picking up anything that had actually fallen out of his basket.

“We’re back, Mommy!” Summer proudly held her basket high up in the air, her face streaked with dirt.

I took the basket from Michael, hurriedly wiping away the sweat on his face. “You should share some with Summer next time. It’s too heavy for you to carry yourself!”

The boy grinned, his eyes soft and full of affection as he looked at Summer. “She’s too small to carry this!”

“That’s right, Mommy! I asked Michael to help me carry these because I’m not strong enough!” Summer giggled. I couldn’t help but wonder if she had learned this shamelessness from Jackson.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I scolded, “If you bully Michael like this again, I’ll make you water all the vegetables in the backyard by yourself.”

“I don’t care. I won’t be by myself, anyway.” She pouted.

This little…

Michael had always rushed to help her whenever she was receiving punishment. It would seem that she had gotten used to his company, and there was nothing I could do about it.

Colin came back, having bought some carp fish and shrimp.

Summer picked up one of the shrimp and started chasing poor Michael around with it in the yard.

Taking the basket of produce from me, Colin said, “I’ll wash these. The fish have been cleaned, so you can cook them straight away.”

I nodded.

Soon, the two kids smelled the food and gathered around the stove, staring up at me as their stomachs grumbled.

“Go and set the table, you little wolves!” Colin ordered them, putting down the clean vegetables next to me.

Just like I’d expected, Michael went off to take out the plates and utensils while Summer didn’t budge an inch.

Colin laughed, picking her up in his arms and setting her aside. “Be a good girl and take the fruits by the sink and place them on the dinner table. We’ll start eating soon, I promise.”


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