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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 421

The rest of the staff filed into the office. They caught sight of Colin passing an ointment to me but ignored us promptly.

Since it wasn’t a serious injury, I shooed Colin away. “I’m fine. Go and do your work!”

Thinning his lips, he glanced at me, then at the female employees who were staring in our direction before complying.

Just then, Joyce returned to the office as her shift had ended. When she noticed the medical plaster on my knee, she mocked, “The sight of a wealthy and influential person must have weakened the knees of an uneducated peasant like you. Such a disgrace!”

I pressed my lips together but did not retaliate. Although I was in a rush just now, I knew the true reason I had tripped.

I knew everyone working in the hotel, and there had only been a few people around me at that time. It made sense that Joyce, who had been standing closest to me, was the culprit behind my injury.

After tending to my bruised knee, I walked to the water dispenser and filled a cup with boiling water.

I neared Joyce and asked coolly, “Your face or hand — what’s your choice?”

Her face turned a ghastly white when she noticed the hot water in the cup. “Scarlett, what are you trying to do? I’m warning you. My father is the county mayor of R Province. If you dare lay a finger on me, I’ll make sure you regret it for the rest of your life.”

I nodded nonchalantly, unfazed by her threats. “I suppose I’ll just wait and see!”

Before she could react, I seized her arm and poured scalding water on her porcelain skin. She screamed in agony, but I kept my grip on her and emptied the cup.

As she thrashed around in pain, I said emotionlessly, “Ms. Newton, please plan your schemes better next time. I will let you off easy this time, but I fear your pretty face will have to bear the consequences if this happens again.”


I cut her off as a thought struck me. “By the way, since you claim that your father is such an important official, it might be good for him to retire now. After all, R Province never flourished under his management despite its advantageous environment. Our economy has been stagnant for the entire time he was in office. It’s about time he stepped down.”

With those parting words, I took the ointment and left the office.

By the time I reached the ground floor, Colin had pulled up at the entrance. “Get in!” he beckoned.

I raised an eyebrow and was prepared to reject his offer when I remembered my limping gait. Resigned, I slid into the car and put on my seatbelt.

His gaze swept over me. “I’ll drop by the pharmacy to buy medicine before sending you home,” he announced.

I looked down at my ankle, which had almost doubled in size by now, and did not protest.

“You and Ashton know each other?” Colin blurted after we had long since left the hotel.

I froze before chuckling humorlessly. “Do I look like someone who has connections with the filthy rich?”


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