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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 472

“There isn’t any relationship between the Moore family and me, to begin with. I came back to K City to give my daughter a better future. I haven’t thought about anything else beyond that, and I really don’t plan to!” If it wasn’t for Summer’s future, I would’ve stayed in R Province forever.

Emery knitted her brows and appeared displeased. “But you’re the Moore family’s daughter. No one can change that.”

“So what?” I looked at her, feeling somewhat agitated. “I never plan to acknowledge them as my biological parents. Since they’ve already adopted Rebecca formally, then Rebecca can just carry on being the official daughter of the Moore family.”

She sighed as she commented, “You’re still not over it then.” She paused for a moment before staring at me. “By the way, I’m getting married in October. Make sure to be there!”

I was stunned. “Who are you marrying?”

“A man! You’ll know who he is if you attend the wedding.”


Ashton’s meeting had just ended. Seeing as it was late, and he still had things to discuss with Emery, I decided to fetch Summer from school alone.

As I exited Fuller Corporation, it was just my luck to bump into Jared.

I wanted to avoid him but he already spotted me. Waving at me enthusiastically, he asked, “Where are you going? I’ll give you a lift!”

“No need!” After the incident with Macy, my impression of his character had fallen significantly. I had no interest in hearing his side of the story. All I knew was that he shared half the blame for Macy’s incident.

His brows furrowed as he followed me. “It’s raining right now. I’m free and I can drive you.”

I stopped and turned around to look at him. “Do you want something?”

He frowned before nodding. “I want to have a meal with her.”

He was referring to Summer.

I pursed my lips. Summer is his kid after all…

After a moment of silence, I replied, “Fine, but just this once.”

He was surprised that I agreed to his request. His smile was bright as he stared at me, seeming somewhat in a daze. “That’s great!”

“Let’s go then, I’m picking her up in a while. We can go together,” I said before getting into my own car.

He quickly entered my car. It was drizzling just like he’d said. Traffic jams were a common sight in K City, and they became worse during rainy weather.

The car inched slowly along the jammed roads. I kept my mouth shut, unwilling to initiate a conversation. So he decided to start one himself. “I didn’t know she was pregnant. If I had known, I’d never have let her leave.”

I frowned, choosing not to comment on his relationship with Macy.

“What’s her favorite food?” he asked, sighing lightly.

Evidently, his interest would be in knowing her favorite food.


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