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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 500

After hearing Emery’s comments, I realized that I was indeed quite out of style.

Therefore, I complied with her wishes and bought many things. Right now we had a bit of a problem. I came over by taxi, and she had driven here by herself without a driver.

Looking at the assortment of big and small bags, we were at a loss as to what to do. She considered our situation for a while, whipped out her phone, and called Hunter.

Had I not heard her speaking so gently, I would not have believed that a tough woman like Emery could be as meek as a lamb when speaking to the one she loved.

“Hunter, I am at the mall in the city center. Please come over. There are too many bags and I can’t carry all of them!”

I looked at the bags around us. Women are so dramatic sometimes. It’s just clothes and jewelry. Sure, there’s quite a lot, but it’s actually manageable.

She hung up and noticed that I was looking at her weirdly. “Women need to show weakness at appropriate times,” she pouted, “it’s not that I can’t carry the bags. It’s only because I have him now. So sometimes I can’t open water bottles, lift heavy things, or walk over rain puddles.”

I chuckled at her confession. It seemed that in a relationship, women were the nurturers, while men were the providers.

Seeing that I was spaced out, she blinked a few times and made another call.

“Mr. Fuller, are you done with work?” The words she uttered successfully brought me back to attention.

I widened my eyes at her. How could she call Ashton?

She ignored my penetrative stare and continued, “The mall in the city center, come and help us carry our things.”

She was the only one who dared to say something like this to him.

She hung up and looked at me with a raised brow. “Mr. Fuller said he will be here in ten more minutes.”

I was quite amazed at her. After giving her a thumbs up, I found a place to sit down.

Relief enveloped me as I sat down after a long period of walking. Emery started massaging her feet as she plopped down next to me wearing her heels. “I’m not wearing these again next time. My feet are killing me!”

“You can just wear heels that are 5 cm or 7 cm. Wearing heels that are too high will hurt your feet no matter how good the shoes are,” I said.

She tilted her head, propped her chin in one of her hands, and suddenly started laughing. “Scarlett, when did you start to consider me a friend?”


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