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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 519

Joseph paused for a while but said nothing. He then sent me back to the villa.

Summer was already home by the time I arrived. She gently pulled my hand as she asked, “Mommy, where did you go?”

I hugged her in my arms. “I went to see a friend,” I simply answered.

Recently, I started feeling sluggish again. I was at a loss, unsure about what to do next. My mind was a complete mess.

After I settled Summer down, I headed to the study. After all, I finally watched those videos.

They were taken four years ago when Marcus took me in. My memories of those days were rather vague.

Deep down, I knew Marcus cared about me very much. However, I chose not to remember those details.

I clicked on one of the videos, which was taken in the villa in K City. As soon as it was played, the familiar faces came into sight.

I refused to watch the video after my child was taken away from me. I couldn’t bring myself to face reality.

The video recorded every bit of memories I had with Marcus. He always took care of me and tolerated me with infinite patience.

That was the worst time of my life. I was in agony and constantly broke down in tears. One night, I woke up at midnight and looked around for a knife to take my own life. Marcus was injured when he tried to snatch the knife away from me. I didn’t have a clear picture in my mind, but I knew there was a deep scar on his belly.

After that incident, I couldn’t find any sharp objects in the villa.

It was a long video to watch. I couldn’t bring myself to finish it as I was feeling increasingly guilty by the second. So, I turned it off.

Why must everything be made clear? Ignorance is bliss, isn’t it?

Grandma used to say that only ignorant women were able to live their lives happily because they wouldn’t hold on to those unpleasant things.

They knew how to let go when they had to. All they cared about was to live in the present.

In the evening, I received a call from Cameron.

“Scarlett, I… I am Mom,” she stammered as she wept. I could hear the hidden bitterness in her voice.

What kind of feeling is this?

I didn’t put much thought into that. My heart ached slightly. It was neither hatred nor rage that I was feeling. I was merely nonplussed.

I lost my child because of her. I had no idea how to face her.

After a long while, I asked her, “What is it?”

I spoke in an indifferent tone, fighting hard to contain myself.

Cameron heaved a sigh. “If you refuse to see me, I won’t force you. But my dear, you have a long way to go. Don’t do something that you’ll regret. I know I’m in no position to put the blame on Ashton.”

I fell silent not because I was speechless, but because I saw him walking into the study.

It had just been half a day since I last saw him. He looked pale and sick as if he was about to collapse anytime.


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