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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 526

He caught me staring blankly at the dishes and asked, “Are you not hungry?”

I nodded and pondered for a moment before responding, “Emery brought some candies over and asked me to pass the candies to Summer.”

He nodded and said, “Mm. It’s not good for kids to eat too much of it.”

“Is Aunt Sally okay?” Sally seemed to have calmed down and come to terms with what had happened.

“She’s fine.” Someone came over and toasted to him. He acknowledged with a faint smile and drank to the toast.

He saw me watching him and smiled in return. Then, he took the glass of water in front of him and handed it to me. “Here, drink some water.”

I was taken aback for a moment. Quickly, I raised my hand to take the glass from him. But before I could take it, he said, “Forget it. Don’t force yourself if you don’t want to drink.”

I could see that he wasn’t in a good mood. He had been like that ever since I went down.

“It’s been a long day, and you must be tired. Let’s go home.” I knew that he had been busy for the past few days in the office. Actually, he didn’t have to attend today’s wedding. But he came because of me.

I reached out and held his hand. His fingers were long and slender, slightly cold to the touch.

He was taken aback by my hand on his, but he smiled and said, “It’s okay.”

It was obvious that he drank a little too much because his breath smelled of alcohol.

Once I pulled him out of the hotel, the driver drove the car over, and we got into it. As we sat in the car, he leaned his head on my shoulder. His breathing was shallow.

It was unusual for him to be quiet.

On the way back, he suddenly said, “Stop the car.”

The driver was a little confused but pulled the car over at the side of the road. Ashton got out of the car and threw up.

I got out of the car to buy some water. When I returned, I saw him leaning against the car, and his eyes were closed.

“Here, rinse your mouth with this,” I said as I handed him a cup of water.

He opened his eyes slightly and rinsed his mouth.

As we resumed the journey, he leaned back on his seat, and his eyes were closed.

Half an hour later, the car came to a stop outside of the villa. The driver threw Ashton’s arm over his shoulder and helped him up to the bedroom. I went into the house and headed to the kitchen to make him a glass of honey water.

But before I could step into the kitchen, I heard a loud retch from upstairs. I rushed upstairs and saw that Ashton had threw up again before he could enter the bedroom.

The driver patted Ashton’s back. I looked at Ashton, and for a moment, I did not know what to say.

I helped him to the bedroom and put him to bed. Seeing that it was getting late, I asked the driver to head home.

After cleaning up the mess, I went back to the bedroom and saw Ashton lying still on the bed.

I called out, “Ashton!”

He responded with a “mm”.


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