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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 550

At first, he looked a little shocked but was quick to regain his composure and smiled politely at me as he asked, “Good day, Miss. What can I get you?”

I shook my head and smiled back at him. “I’ll just have a glass of water for now. I’ll order the food when my friend gets here.”

The waiter returned moments later and handed me a glass of water. “Here you go, Miss. Just let me know if you ever need anything.”

With a nod, I thanked him in response.

He began whispering with his colleagues upon returning to the till, and I noticed them occasionally glancing in my direction. Huh… So they’re talking about me…

I pursed my lips and sipped on the water while staring out the window. Ever since Ashton came down hard on White Corporation, everyone’s focus had been on their stock prices which could fall at any time.

I knew that very well, and yet I couldn’t do much about it as Marcus was consumed by his hatred and resentment that had been amplified by the traumatic incident years ago. Although I hoped that he would learn to let go of the past, I had no right to say anything about it.

There’s no way of telling who’s right or wrong in life. It doesn’t matter if Rebecca’s feelings toward Ashton are that of obsession or true love because there’s no going back anymore. Devotion and undying loyalty won’t work on everyone. With certain people, it’s best to just let go instead…

I was snapped out of my train of thoughts when I realized I had finished the glass of water. Then I glanced at my phone and saw that it was already noon, but there was still no sign of Hannah.

Right as I was about to put my phone away, Hannah’s call came in all of a sudden.

She apologized profusely the moment I answered the phone, “I’m so sorry, Scarlett! The baby’s got a fever, and I’m at the hospital right now. I’m afraid I won’t be able to go shopping with you today. I’ll treat you to something next time, okay?”

I nodded. “It’s okay. Don’t worry about it.”

After hanging up the phone, I glanced at the empty glass on the table and decided to order some food now that I was already there.

My phone began ringing again halfway through the meal. It was an unknown number which was calling from K City.

I answered it politely and asked, “Hello, may I know who’s calling?”

“Hey, Letty! It’s me!” The loud and husky voice of a middle-aged man sounded from the other end of the line.

I recognized it as Zachary’s voice almost immediately.

“Oh, hello there!”

Zachary seemed to be finding the right words to say as there was a moment of silence before he continued, “Are you busy? It’s New Year’s Eve tomorrow. Your mother and I are planning on visiting you and Summer so we could do the countdown together!”


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